

1(工业生物技术教育部重点实验室(江南大学),江苏 无锡,214122)2(江南大学 生物工程学院,酿造微 生物学与应用酶学研究室,江苏 无锡,214122)3(烟台张裕集团有限公司,山东 烟台,264000)

摘 要 单宁作为葡萄酒重要的不挥发基质成分,会显著影响葡萄酒香气感知:包括前鼻感知(杯中)和鼻后感知(饮用过程)。该研究采用国际标准三点选配法(three-alternative forced-choice,3-AFC),对单宁影响模拟葡萄酒中6种常见的重要香气化合物前鼻和鼻后检测阈值进行了全面评估。结果显示:添加单宁后,香草醛前鼻和鼻后阈值都明显增加。此外,单宁增加了1-辛烯-3-酮、β-大马酮、苯甲醛的前鼻阈值,增加了1-辛烯-3-醇的鼻后阈值,而显著降低了1-辛烯-3-酮、β-大马酮、苯甲醛的鼻后阈值;单宁对1-辛烯-3-醇的前鼻阈值无显著影响,对乙酸异戊酯的前鼻和鼻后阈值则均无显著影响。该研究为基于不挥发基质单宁调控葡萄酒杯中以及饮用过程中香气感知提供了数据支撑和理论依据。

关键词 葡萄酒;单宁;香气化合物;前鼻阈值;鼻后阈值

葡萄酒香气是评价葡萄酒品质的重要指标,会显著影响消费者的喜爱偏好[1]。香气化合物是葡萄酒具有香气特征的重要原因。香气化合物的检测阈值定义为其在食品或饮料中存在且能被检出的最低浓度。因此,检测阈值通常用作香气化合物效力的衡量标准。通过确定香气化合物的阈值和浓度,可以计算出化合物的气味活性值(odor activity value,OAV),以评估香气化合物对食品香气的特性贡献度[2]。香气感知可分为2种方式:前鼻感知和鼻后感知。前鼻感知发生在吸入过程中,鼻后感知则发生在口中进食期间[3]。无论是前鼻感知还是鼻后感知,香气化合物都需要首先从食物基质中释放出来,最后从鼻腔或口腔到达嗅觉受体[4]。因此,食物基质可能对前鼻感知或鼻后感知产生重大影响。


因此,针对上述问题,本研究旨在从前鼻和鼻后阈值角度评估单宁对葡萄酒香气感知的影响。研究采用三点选配法(three-alternative forced-choice,3-AFC)结合最佳阈值估计法(best estimate threshold values,BETs),在有无添加单宁的模拟葡萄酒中,分别确定了葡萄酒中常见的6种具有不同香气的目标芳香化合物的前鼻检测阈值(orthonasal threshold,ODT)和鼻后检测阈值(retronasal threshold,RDT)。本研究不仅可以丰富我国葡萄酒风味化学研究的理论体系,同时也希望为基于不挥发基质单宁调控葡萄酒杯中以及饮用过程中香气感知提供数据支撑和理论依据。

1 材料与方法

1.1 实验材料

去离子水、L-酒石酸(分析纯),国药集团化学试剂有限公司;乙醇(色谱级),安谱公司;商品单宁Tanin VR SUPRA,为缩合单宁,法国LAFFORT公司;香气化合物标准品(色谱纯,纯度均在97%以上,见表1),Sigma-Aldrich公司。

表1 用于测定的香气化合物
Table 1 Aroma compounds for test

测定化合物CAS化学结构式香气描述lgP相对分子质量沸点/℃1-辛烯-3-醇3391-86-4蘑菇2.7128.2184~85(0.133 kPa)β-大马酮23696-85-7蜂蜜3.43190.29275.6(101.325 kPa)乙酸异戊酯123-92-2香蕉1.60130.181421-辛烯-3-酮4312-99-6蘑菇2.32126.20174~182苯甲醛100-52-7杏仁1.50106.12179(100 kPa)香草醛121-33-5香荚兰豆1.21152.15170(2 kPa)


1.2 实验方法

1.2.1 品评员的筛选与培训


1.2.2 香气化合物嗅觉阈值测定

选择6种葡萄酒中常见且具有不同化学结构或不同香气属性的香气化合物进行阈值测定。阈值测定环境温度为25 ℃,实验方法采用国际标准3-AFC法[15]。参考相同类型的感官研究的方法,确定被测物质标准液在溶液体系中的浓度值为其2~100倍觉察阈值,并完成标准液的配置[16]。其中,参考本课题组先前研究[17],确定模拟酒溶液体系为:12%(体积分数)乙醇,0.125 g/L酒石酸及单宁混合溶液,pH调至3.5左右(对照组溶液不添加单宁,实验组单宁含量2 g/L),在此基础上添加香气化合物。对配制好的标准溶液依次稀释,每种香气化合物对应6种浓度,稀释梯度为3倍,其中,1-辛烯-3-醇的稀释质量浓度范围为21.14~46 240.00 μg/L,β-大马酮的稀释质量浓度范围为9.56~20 916.00 μg/L,乙酸异戊酯的稀释质量浓度范围为0.59~1 285.20 μg/L,1-辛烯-3-酮的稀释质量浓度范围为15.97~2 043.70 μg/L,苯甲醛的稀释质量浓度范围为258.50~33 088.00 μg/L,香草醛的稀释质量浓度范围为0.95~2 068.00 μg/L。参考PICKERING等[18]的实验方法,规定评估员的答复呈现在备好的纸质表格上,在品评结束后收集。在每一组中,品评员被要求按照所给的顺序闻到每个样品,圈出与其他2个样品不同的代码。对于前鼻阈值评估,每组样品之间有3 min的休息时间。鼻后阈值评估中,品评员需要戴上鼻夹,将样品放入口中10 s后再吐出进行评估,每组之间需要饮水清洁口腔,同前鼻评估相同休息3 min,以减少携带效应[19]

1.3 数据处理





除此之外,倍数变化值(fold change,FC值)则用于表征加入单宁前后的阈值变化倍数。

2 结果与分析

2.1 前鼻阈值

将15名品评员的记录结果进行了相关计算处理,前鼻阈值结果见表2。6种重要香气化合物未经单宁处理的前鼻阈值与已有的相关研究结果基本一致。其中β-大马酮在12%乙醇-水体系中得到的前鼻阈值为7.2 μg/L,与之前报道相似[22]。LORRAIN等[10]测定的12%乙醇-水体系中乙酸异戊酯前鼻阈值为35和46 μg/L (重复组),本研究得到的阈值结果(39.6 μg/L)也与之基本一致。而加入单宁后,6种香气化合物的前鼻阈值均有不同程度的增大,其中β-大马酮(从7.2 μg/L增加到25.4 μg/L)和香草醛(从35.5 μg/L增加到296.9 μg/L)变化最明显。先前研究发现,多酚主要通过疏水驱动力机制作用于香气化合物分子,从而导致香气释放减少[23],而香草醛和β-大马酮都具有环状结构,但其中香草醛含有苯环结构,多酚没食子酰基环与芳香环之间的π-π堆积作用可能导致香气释放减少[7],因此香草醛的前鼻阈值在添加单宁后明显增大。另外,可以看出,同有芳香环结构的香草醛和苯甲醛阈值变化程度具有较大差异,推测单宁与香气化合物相互作用取决于化合物本身的性质,除疏水性外,化合物的其他物理化学性质也会影响,例如极性[24]

表2 香气化合物的前鼻阈值
Table 2 The odor thresholds for aroma compounds

化合物对照组实验组组阈值/(μg·L-1)标准偏差的lg95%置信区间/(μg·L-1)组阈值/(μg·L-1)标准偏差的lg95%置信区间/(μg·L-1)1-辛烯-3-醇510.93.0257.4~1 411.4560.43.0322.3~1 516.91-辛烯-3-酮6.40.45.4~β-大马酮7.21.34.4~27.725.42.220.3~189.2苯甲醛419.92.3356.2~582.1666.63.0495.3~1 625.0乙酸异戊酯39.61.534.6~68.445.92.040.6~150.4香草醛35.51.725.3~75.0296.92.6205.3~661.5

注:实验组添加单宁(2 g/L),对照组不添加单宁(下同)

2.2 鼻后阈值


表3 香气化合物的鼻后阈值
Table 3 The retronasal thresholds for aroma compounds

化合物对照组实验组组阈值/(μg·L-1)标准偏差的lg95%置信区间/(μg·L-1)组阈值/(μg·L-1)标准偏差的lg95%置信区间/(μg·L-1)1-辛烯-3-醇319.72.9261.7~1 102.4461.02.9414.8~1 187.41-辛烯-3-酮217.32.5215.1~555.7113.82.5111.0~443.0β-大马酮204.12.7185.4~733.5158.82.6152.1~632.7苯甲醛460.63.0334.0~1 445.1213.52.1174.8~312.2乙酸异戊酯1.40.01.0~香草醛92.02.174.3~226.4319.52.7273.6~817.3

2.3 前后鼻阈值间差异


图1 香气化合物阈值箱线图
Fig.1 Threshold boxplot of aroma compounds

2.4 前后鼻阈值变化程度


图2 FC值柱状图
Fig.2 Bar chart of FC values


3 结论与讨论

本研究由15名经过筛选与训练的品评员,采用国际标准3-AFC法,分别在有无单宁的情况下,对葡萄酒中6种重要香气化合物进行前后鼻阈值测定。结果显示:在单宁影响下, 1-辛烯-3-酮、β-大马酮、苯甲醛、香草醛这4种香气化合物的前鼻阈值均增大;1-辛烯-3-醇、乙酸异戊酯的前鼻阈值基本不变;1-辛烯-3-醇、香草醛的鼻后阈值增大;1-辛烯-3-酮、β-大马酮、苯甲醛的鼻后阈值降低;乙酸异戊酯的鼻后阈值基本不变。



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Effect of tannins on the orthonasal and retronasal thresholds of wine aromas

SHI Getu1,2, FU Jianhua1,2, WU Yuan1,2, CHEN Qiuyu1,2, ZHENG Jiajing1,2, LYU Jiaheng1,2, LI Jiming3, TANG Ke1,2*

1(Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology, Ministry of Education (Jiangnan University), Wuxi 214122, China) 2(Laboratory of Brewing Microbiology and Applied Enzymology, School of Biotechnology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)3(ZhangYu Group Co.Ltd., Yantai 264000, China)

ABSTRACT Tannins, as important non-volatile matrix components of wine, can significantly affect the aroma perception of wine and then affect preferences of consumers. The model and mechanism of their influences on the orthonasal and retronasal perception of wine aroma are still unclear, which is a focus of wine flavor research. In this study, a three-alternative forced-choice (3-AFC) procedure, combined with the best estimate threshold values (BETs), was used to comprehensively evaluate the influence of tannins on the orthonasal and retronasal detection thresholds of six common and important aroma compounds in simulated wine. The results showed that tannins increased the orthonasal thresholds of 1-octen-3-one, β-damascenone, benzaldehyde and vanillin, among which the orthonasal thresholds of β-damascenone (from 7.2 μg/L to 25.4 μg/L) and vanillin (from 35.5 μg/L to 296.9 μg/L) had the most significant changes. The dominant factors of changes may be the hydrophobic mechanism of interaction between tannins and aroma compounds and the π-π stacking mechanism, and it is assumed that other physicochemical properties of the compounds such as polarity may also influence changes in the threshold. Besides, tannins increased retronasal thresholds of 1-octen-3-ol and vanillin and decreased retronasal thresholds of 1-octen-3-one, β-damascenone and benzaldehyde. Moreover, oral physiological factors such as saliva would complicate the study of the mechanism of tannins’ influences on retronasal thresholds. It is worth noting that tannins had no significant influences on the orthonasal threshold of 1-octen-3-ol and both the orthonasal and retronasal thresholds of isoamyl acetate. Studies have shown that although tannins can reduce the release of most aroma during wine drinking, the effects on the release of some aromas were not significant and changes in aroma release do not necessarily cause sensory changes. Overall, tannins can alter the orthonasal and retronasal thresholds of aroma compounds. However, it is also worth noting that tannins had significantly different effects on the orthonasal and retronasal thresholds of the same compound, which was caused by the huge differences in the in vivo and in vitro environment, especially the influence of a large number of physiological factors involved in the in vivo environment, as well as the influence of perceptual interactions. The various molecular mechanisms involved in this still need to be further explored. This study will provide data and theoretical basis for the control of aroma perception in wine glasses and during wine drinking based on non-volatile matrix tannins.

Key words wines; tannins; aroma compounds; orthonasal threshold; retronasal threshold


引用格式:师戈图,付建华,吴元,等.单宁对葡萄酒香气前鼻和鼻后阈值的影响[J].食品与发酵工业,2022,48(17):102-107.SHI Getu, FU Jianhua, WU Yuan, et al.Effect of tannins on the orthonasal and retronasal thresholds of wine aromas[J].Food and Fermentation Industries,2022,48(17):102-107.


