
177.Limosilactobacillus ingluviei(in.glu′vi.ei.L.gen.n.ingluviei of a crop sac).嗉囊粘液乳杆菌

Basonym Lactobacillus ingluviei Baele et al.2003,135VP.The species includes strains previously named as L.thermotolerans.

The type strain is KR3T=DSM 15946T=LMG 20380T=CCUG 45722T.

178.Limosilactobacillusmucosae(mu.co′sae.N.L.gen.n.mucosae of mucosa).黏膜粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillusmucosae Roos et al.2000,256VP.

The type strain is S32T=CCUG 43179T=CIP 106485T=DSM 13345T=JCM 12515T.

179.Limosilactobacillus oris(or'is.L.gen.n.oris,of the mouth).口粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillusoris Farrow et al.1988,116VP.

The type strain is 5A1T=ATCC 49062T=CCUG 37396T=CIP 103255T=CIP 105162T=DSM 4864T=JCM 7507T=JCM 11028T=LMG 9848T.

180.Limosilactobacillus panis(pa′nis.L.gen.n.panis,of bread).面包粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus panis Wiese et al.1996,452VP.

The type strain is CCUG 37482T=DSM 6035T=JCM 11053T.

181.Limosilactobacillus pontis(pon′tis.L.gen.n.pontis,of a bridge,referring to BRIDGE,which was the acronym of an EU funded research project).桥粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus pontis Vogel et al.1994,228VP.

The type strain is LTH 2587T=DSM 8475T=LMG 14187T.

182.Limosilactobacillus reuteri(reu′te.ri.N.L.gen.n.reuteri,of Reuter;named for G.Reuter,a German bacteriologist).罗伊氏粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillu sreuteri Kandler et al.1982,266VL

The type strain of the species is F 275T=ATCC 23272T=DSM 20016T=JCM 1112T=LMG 9213T=LMG 13557T.

183.Limosilactobacillus secaliphilus(se.ca.li.phi′lus.L.neut.n.secale rye;Gr.masc.adj.philos loving;N.L.masc.adj.secaliphilus rye-loving).嗜黑麦粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus secaliphilus Ehrmann et al.2007,748VP.

The type strain is TMW 1.1309T=DSM 17896T=CCUG 53218T.

184.Limosilactobacillus vaginalis(va.gi.na′lis.L.gen.n.vaginalis,of the vagina).阴道粘液乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus vaginalis Embley et al.1989,368VP.

The type strain of the species is Lac 19T=ATCC 49540T=CCUG 31452T=CIP 105932T=DSM 5837T=JCM 9505T=LMG 12891T.

185.Secundilactobacillus(Se.cun.di.lac.to.ba.cil′lus.L.adj.secundus,second or next,following;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Secundilactobacillus a lactobacillus that occurs in a secondary fermentation or as a spoilage organism after primary fermenters depleted hexoses and disaccharides).次乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Secundilactobacillus malefermentans comb.nov.;Secundilactobacillus was previously referred to as the Lactobacillus collinoides group.

186.Secundilactobacillus malefermentans(ma.le.fer.men′tans.L.adv.male,bad;L.part.pres.fermentans fermenting;N.L.part.adj.malefermentans badly fermenting,referring to spoiled beer).坏发酵次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus malefermentans(ex Russell and Walker 1953)Farrow et al.1989,371VL.

The type strain is D2 MF1T=ATCC 49373T=DSM 5705T=JCM 12497T=LMG 11455T.

187.Secundilactobacillus collinoides(col.lin.o.i′des.L.masc.adj.collinus hilly;Gr.suff.eides resembling,similar;N.L.masc.adj.collinoides hill-shaped,pertaining to colony form).丘状菌落次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus collinoides Carr and Davies 1972,470(Approved Lists).

The type strain is Cl3aT=ATCC 27612T=DSM 20515T=JCM 1123T=LMG 9194T.

188.Secundilactobacillus kimchicus(kim.chi′cus.N.L.neut.n.kimchium,kimchi;L.masc.suff.-icus pertaining to;N.L.masc.adj.kimchicus pertaining to or isolated from kimchi,a type of sauerkraut produced in Korea).韩泡菜次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus kimchicus Liang et al.2011,896VP.

The type strain is DCY51T=JCM 15530 T=KCTC 12976T.

189.Secundilactobacillus mixtipabuli(mi.xti.pa′bu.li.L.masc.adj.mixtus mixed;L.neut.n.pabulum fodder;N.L.gen.n.mixtipabuli of mixed fodder,referring to the isolation of the type strain from silage).混合饲料次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus mixtipabuli Tohno et al.2015,1983VP.

The type strain is IWT30T=JCM 19805T=DSM 28580T.

190.Secundilactobacillus odoratitofui(o.do.ra.ti.to′fu.i.L.part adj.odoratus smelly;N.L.N.L.gen.n.tofui of tofu;N.L.gen.n.odoratitofui,related to stinky tofy from which the type strain was isolated).臭豆腐次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus odoratitofui Chao et al.2010,2905VP.

The type strain is YIT 11304T=BCRC 17810T=DSM 19909T=JCM 15043T.

191.Secundilactobacillus oryzae(o.ry′zae.L.gen.n.oryzae of rice).米次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus oryzae Tohno et al.2013,2961VP.

The type strain is SG293T=JCM18671T=DSM 26518T.

192.Secundilactobacillus paracollinoides(pa.ra.col.li.no′i.des.Gr.pref.para beside;N.L.masc.adj.collinoides,a species epithet;N.L.masc.adj.paracollinoides beside S.collinoides,referring to the close relationship with S.collinoides).类丘状菌落次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus paracollinoides Suzuki et al.2004,116VP.Strains of this species have been referred to as L.pastorianus prior to 2005.

The type strain is LA2T=DSM 15502T=JCM 11969T.

193.Secundilactobacillus pentosiphilus(pen.to.si′phi.lus.N.L.neut.n.pentosum pentose;Gr.masc.adj.philos,friend,loving;N.L.masc.adj.pentosiphilus,preferring pentoses).嗜戊糖乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus pentosiphilus Tohno et al.2017,3643VP.

The type strain is IWT25T=JCM 31145T=DSM 102974T.

194.Secundilactobacillus silagei(si.la′ge.i.N.L.gen.n.silagei of silage,from which the type strain was isolated).青饲次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus silagei Tohno et al.2013,4616VP.

The type strain is IWT126T=JCM 19001T=DSM 27022T.

195.Secundilactobacillus silagincola(si.lag.in′co.la.N.L.neut.n.silagum,silage;L.masc.n.incola,inhabitant;N.L.masc.n.silagincola,living in or isolated from silage).栖青饲次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillussilangincola Tohno et al.2017,3642VP.

The type strain is IWT5T=JCM 31144T=DSM 102973T.

196.Secundilactobacillussimilis(si′mi.lis.L.masc.adj.similis,similar,as the type strain is similar to closely related species).相似次乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillussimilis Kitahara et al.2010,189VP.

The type strain is M36T=DSM 23365T=JCM 2765T=LMG 23904T.

197.Levilactobacillus(Le.vi.lac.to.ba.cil'lus.L.v.levare to lift up,release,relieve;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Levilactobacillus a lactobacillus with leavening potential,referring to the occurrence of multiple species in the genus in type I sourdoughs that are used as sole leavening agent).促生乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Levilactobacillus brevis comb.nov.;Levilactobacillus was previously referred to as L.brevis group.

198.Levilactobacillus brevis(bre′vis.L.adj.brevis short).短促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus brevis(Betabacterium breve Orla-Jensen 1919,175)Bergey et al.1934,312(Approved Lists)

The type strain is 14,Bb14T=DSM 20054T=ATCC 14869T=JCM 1059T=LMG 6906T=LMG 7944T=NRRL B-4527T.

199.Levilactobacillus acidifarinae(a.ci.di.fa.ri′nae.L.masc.adj.acidus sour;L.fem.n.farina;N.L.gen.n.acidifarinae of sourdough).酸面促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus acidifarinae Vancanneyt et al.2005,619VP.

The type strain is R-19065T=DSM 19394T=CCM 7240T=CCUG 50162T=JCM 15949T=LMG 2220T.

200.Levilactobacillus bambusae(bam.bu′sae.N.L.gen.n.bambusae of the plant genus Bambusa from which the type strain was isolated).刺竹促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus bambusae Guu et al.2018,2428VP.

The type strain is BS-W1T=BCRC 80970T=NBRC 112377T.

201.Levilactobacillus cerevisiae(ce.re.vi′si.ae.L.gen.n.cerevisiae,of beer).啤酒促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus cerevisiae Koob et al.2017,3456VP.

The type strain is 2301T=DSM 100836T=LMG 29073T.

202.Levilactobacillus fujinensis(fu.jin.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.fujinensis,pertaining to Fujin,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).富锦促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus fujinensis Long and Gu 2019,2351VP.

The type strain is 218-6T=CCM 8908T=KCTC 21134T=LMG 31067T.

203.Levilactobacillus fuyuanensis(fu.yuan.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.fuyuanensis,pertaining to Fuyuan,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).抚远促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus fuyuanensis Long and Gu 2019,2351VP.

The type strain is 244-4T=CCM 8906T=KCTC 21137T=LMG 31052T.

204.Levilactobacillus hammesii(ham.me′si.i.N.L.gen.n.hammesii of Hammes,in recognition of the scientist Walter P.Hammes,who contributed significantly to the taxonomy of lactic acid bacteria as well as the technology and microbial ecology of fermented foods).黑氏促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus hammesii Valcheva et al.2005,766VP.

The type strain is LP38T=TMW 1.1236T=DSM 16381T=CCUG 51325T=CIP 108387T=JCM 16170T.

205.Levilactobacillus huananensis(hua.nan.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.huananensis,pertaining to Huanan,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).桦南促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus huananensis Long and Gu 2019,2350VP.

The type strain is 151-2BT=CCM 8913T=KCTC 21129T=LMG 31063T.

206.Levilactobacillus koreensis(ko.re.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.koreensis of Korea,where the type strain was isolated).韩国促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus koreensis Naam Bui et al.2011,774VP.

The type strain is DCY50T=JCM 16448T=KCTC 13530T.

207.Levilactobacillus lindianensis(lin.dian.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.lindianensis,pertaining to Lindian,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).林甸促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus lindianensis Long and Gu,2019,2349VP.

The type strain is 220-4T=NCIMB 15163T=CCM 8902T=KCTC 21136T.

208.Levilactobacillus mulengensis(mu.leng.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.mulengensis,pertaining to Muleng,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).穆棱促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus mulengensis Long and Gu 2019,2352VP.

The type strain is 112-3T=CCM 8909T=KCTC 21123T=LMG 31049T.

209.Levilactobacillus namurensis(na.mur.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.namurensis,of the province of Namur,Belgium,the source of isolation of the type strain).那慕尔促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus namurensis Scheirlinck et al.2007,226VP.

The type strain is DSM 19117T=CCUG 52843T=JCM 15612T=LMG 23583T.

210.Levilactobacillus parabrevis(pa.ra.bre′vis.Gr.pref.para beside;L.masc.adj.brevis,a species epithet;N.L.masc.adj.parabrevis beside L.brevis,referring to the close relationship with L.brevis).副短促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus parabrevis Vancanneyt et al.2006,1556VP.

The type strain is RODS-DWT=SLB MAST=ATCC 53295T=LMG 11984T.

211.Levilactobacillus paucivorans(pau.ci.vo′rans.L.masc.adj.paucus few,low in number;L.part.pres.vorans devouring;N.L.part.adj.paucivorans,eating few [carbohydrates],referring to the few sugars that are fermented by the type strain).寡食促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus paucivorans Ehrmann et al.2010,2356VP.

The type strain is TMW 1.1424T=DSM 22467T=JCM 18045T=LMG 25291T.

212.Levilactobacillus senmaizukei(sen.mai.zu′ke.i.N.L.gen.n.senmaizukei of senmaizuke,a fermented pickle).泡菜促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus senmaizukei Hiraga et al.2008,1627VP.

The type strain is L13T=DSM 21775T=NBRC 103853T=TISTR 1847T.

213.Levilactobacillus spicheri(spi′.cher.i.N.L.gen.n.spicheri of Spicher.The name honours Gottfried Spicher,a German scientist who pioneered the microbiological and biochemical characterization of sourdough fermentation).斯比氏促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus spicheri Meroth et al.2004,631VL

The type strain is LTH 5753T=DSM 15429T=JCM 15956T=LMG 21871T.

214.Levilactobacillus suantsaii(suan.tsai′i.N.L.gen.n.suantsaii of suan-tsai,a fermented mustard product,from which the type strain was isolated).酸菜促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus suantsaii Liou et al.2019,1489VP.

The type strain is L88T=BCRC 12945T=NBRC 113535T.

215.Levilactobacillus suantsaiihabitans(suan.tsai.i.ha'bi.tans.N.L.neut.n.suantsaium suan-tsai,the name of a traditional fermented mustard green product of Taiwan;L.pres.part.habitans,inhabiting;N.L.part.adj.suantsaiihabitans inhabiting suan-tsai).酸菜生促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus suantsaiihabitans Lin et al.2019,8VP.

The type strain is R19T=BCRC 81129T=NBRC 113532T.

216.Levilactobacillus tangyuanensis(tang.yuan.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.tangyuanensis,pertaining to Tangyuan,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).汤原促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus tangyuanensis Long and Gu 2019,2350VP.

The type strain is 137-3T=CCM 8907T=KCTC 21125T=LMG 31053T.

217.Levilactobacillus tongjiangensis(tong.ji.ang.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.tongjiangensis,pertaining to Tongjiang,a county in the Heilongjiang province of China).同江促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus tongjianensis Long and Gu 2019,2351VP.

The type strain is 218-10T=CCM 8905T=KCTC 21135T=LMG 31055T.

218.Levilactobacillus yonginensis(yong.in.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.yonginensis of Yongin,the city in Korea where the organism was isolated).龙仁促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus yonginensis Yi et al.2013,3278VP.

The type strain is THK-V8T=KACC 16236T=JCM 18023T=ATCC 16236T.

219.Levilactobacillus zymae(zy′mae.Gr.fem.n.zyme leaven,sourdough;N.L.gen.n.zymae of sourdough).老面促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus zymae Vancanneyt et al.2005,619VP.

The type strain is R-18615T=DSM 19395T=CCM 7241T=CCUG 50163T=JCM 15957T=LMG 22198T.

220.Levilactobacillus angrenensis(ang.ren.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.angrenensis,pertaining to Angren,a county in the Tibet Autonomous Region,PR China,where the bacterium was isolated).昂仁促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus angrenensis Long et al.2020,16VP.

The type strain is M1530-1T=NCIMB 15150T=CCM 8893T=LMG 31046T=CCTCC AB 2018402T.

221.Levilactobacillus enshiensis(en.shi.en'sis.N.L.masc.adj.enshiensis pertaining to Enshi,the prefecture in Hubei Province of the PR China where strain was isolated).恩施促生乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus enshiensis Zhang et al.2020,6VP.

The type strain is HBUAS57009T =GDMCC 1.1664T =KACC 21424T.

222.Fructilactobacillus(Fruc.ti.lac.to.ba.cil′lus.L.masc.n.fructus,fruit;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Fructilactobacillus,fruit-loving lactobacillus,referring to the preference for growth in presence of fructose as electron acceptor).果实乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Fructilactobacillus fructivorans comb.nov.;Fructilactobacillus was previously referred to as L.fructivorans group.

223.Fructilactobacillus fructivorans(fruc.ti.vo′rans.L.masc.n.fructus,fruit;L.part.pres.vorans,eating,devouring;N.L.part.adj.fructivorans,fruit-eating,intended to mean fructose-devouring).食果糖果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus fructivorans Charlton et al.1934,1(Approved Lists)

The type strain is IFO(now NBRC)13954T=ATCC 8288T=CCUG 32260T=CIP 103042T=DSM 20203T=JCM 1117T=LMG 9201T=NRRL B-1841T.

224.Fructilactobacillus florum(flo′rum.L.gen.pl.n.florum,of flowers,from which the type strain was isolated).花果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus florum Endo et al.2010,2481VP.

The type strain is F9-1T=DSM 22689T=CM 16035T=NRIC 0771T.

225.Fructilactobacillus ixorae(i.xo′rae.N.L.gen.n.ixorae of Ixora coccinea,West Indian Jasmine as source of isolation).龙船花果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus ixorae Techo et al.2016,5504VP.

The type strain is Ru20-1T=LMG 29008T=NBRC 111239T=PCU 346T=TISTR 2381T.

226.Fructilactobacillus lindneri(lind'ne.ri.N.L.gen.n.lindneri of Lindner,recognizing the German bacteriologist Lindner).林氏果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus lindneri(Henneberg 1901);Back et al.1997,601VL Earlier isolates were referred to as Bacillus lindneri or Bacterium lindneri

The type strain is KPAT=CIP 102983T=DSM 20690T=JCM 11027T=LMG 14528T.

227.Fructilactobacillus sanfranciscensis(san.fran.cis.cen′sis.N.L.masc.adj.sanfranciscensis,from San Francisco).旧金山果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus sanfranciscensis(ex Kline and Sugihara 1971)Weiss and Schillinger 1984,503VL.

The type strain is L-12T=ATCC 27651T=DSM 20451T=LMG 16002T.

228.Fructilactobacillus vespulae(ves′pu.lae.N.L.gen.n.vespulae of the wasp Vespula).黄胡蜂果实乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus vespulae Hoang et al.2015,3330VP.

The type strain is DCY75T=KCTC 21023T=JCM 19742T.

229.Acetilactobacillus(A.ce.ti.lac.to.ba.cil′lus.L.neut.n.acetum vinegar,referring to the isolation of the sole representative of this genus from a grain vinegar mash;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Acetilactobacillus,a lactobacillus from vinegar)醋乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Acetilactobacillus jinshanensis sp.nov.

230.Acetilactobacillus jinshanensis(jin.shan′en.sis.N.L.masc.adj.jinshanensis,referring to Jinshan,the site of isolation in Zhenjiang province,China).金山醋乳杆菌

The species was effectively but not validly published as Lactobacillus jinshani Yu et al.2020.

The type strain is HSLZ-75T=CICC 6269T=JCM 33270T.

231.Apilactobacillus(A.pi.lac.to.ba.cil'lus.L.fem.n.apis bee;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Apilactobacillus a lactobacillus from bees).蜜蜂乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Apilactobacillus kunkeei comb.nov.Apilactobacilus was previously referred to as L.kunkeei group.

232.Apilactobacillus kunkeei(kun′kee.i;N.L.gen.n.kunkeei of Kunkee,named in honor of the Californian microbiologist Ralph Kunkee).昆氏蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus kunkeei Edwards et al.1998,1083VL

The type strain is YH-15T=ATCC 700308T=DSM 12361T=JCM 16173T.

233.Apilactobacillus apinorum(a.pi.no′rum.N.L.gen.pl.n.apinorum of the Apini,referring to the isolation of this species from several species of honey bees).蜂群蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus apinorum Olofsson et al.2014,3113VP.

The type strain is Fhon13NT=DSM 26257T=CCUG 63287T.

234.Apilactobacillus kosoi(ko′so.i.N.L.gen.n.kosoi,of kso,a high sucrose fermented beverage in Japan,the origin of the type strain).酵素蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus kosoi Chiou et al.,2018,2707VL

The type strain is 10HT=NBRC 113063T=BCRC 81100T.

235.Apilactobacillus micheneri(mi.che′ne.ri.N.L.gen.masc.n.micheneri named in honor of Charles D.Michener‘s contributions to the study of bees in natural habitats).米切纳蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus micheneri McFrederick et al.2018,1993VP.

The type strain is Hlig3T=DSM 104126T=NRRL B-65473T.

236.Apilactobacillus ozensis(o.zen′sis.N.L.masc.adj.ozensis of Oze,the Japanese National Park from where the type strain was isolated).尾濑蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus ozensis Kawasaki et al.2011,2437VP.

The type strain is Mizu2-1T=DSM 23829T=JCM 17196T.

237.Apilactobacillus quenuiae(que.nu′i.ae.N.L.gen.fem.n.quenuiae,named in recognition of Cécile Plateaux-Quénu′s contributions to the biology of bees).奎努蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus quenuiae Frederick et al.2018,1884VP.

The type strain is HV_6T=DSM 104127T=NRRL B-65474T.

238.Apilactobacillus timberlakei(tim.ber.lake′i.N.L.gen.masc.n.timberlakei names in honor of Philip Timberlake′s work on bee taxonomy).汀布莱克蜜蜂乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus timberlakei McFrederick et al.2018,1884VP.

The type strain is HV_12T=DSM 104128T=NRRL B-65472T.

239.Lentilactobacillus(Len.ti.lac.to.ba.cil′lus.L.masc.adj.lentus slow,sluggish,referring to the slow growth of species in the genus with lactate or propanediol as carbon course;N.L.masc.n.Lactobacillus a bacterial genus name;N.L.masc.n.Lentilactobacillus a slow [growing] lactobacillus).迟缓乳杆菌属

The type species of the genus is Lentilactobacillus buchneri comb.nov.;Lentilactobacillus was previously referred to as L.buchneri group.

240.Lentilactobacillus buchneri(buch′ne.ri.N.L.gen.n.buchneri of Buchner,referring to the German microbiologist Buchner).布氏迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus buchneri(Bacillus buchneri [sic] Henneberg 1903,163)Bergey et al.1923,251(Approved Lists)

The type strain is ATCC 4005T=CCUG 21532T=CIP 103023T=DSM 20057T=JCM 1115T=LMG 6892T=NCAIM B.01145T=NRRL B-1837T=VKM B-1599T.

241.Lentilactobacillus curieae(cu.rie′ae.N.L.fem.gen.n.curieae of Curie,named after Marie Curie,to acknowledge a role model for women in science).居里迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus curieae Lei et al.2013,2504VP.

The type strain is CCTCC M 2011381T=S1L19T=JCM 18524T.

242.Lentilactobacillus diolivorans(di.o.li.vo′rans.N.L.n.diol from 1,2-propanediol;L.pres.part.vorans eating;N.L.part.adj.diolivorans eating diols).食二酸迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus diolivorans Kroonemen et al.2001,645VP.

The type strain is JKD6T=DSM 14421T=JCM 12183T=LMG 19667T.

243.Lentilactobacillus farraginis(far.ra′gi.nis.L.gen.n.farraginis of mash,referring to soshu mash as an ingredient of the compost from which the type strain was isolated).谷糠迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus farraginis Endo and Okada 2007,711VP.

The type strain is DSM 18382T=JCM 14108T=NRIC 0676T.

244.Lentilactobacillus hilgardii(hil.gar′di.i.N.L.gen.n.hilgardii of Hilgard,named after E.W.Hilgard,a pioneer of enology in the State of California,USA).希氏迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus hilgardii Douglas and Cruess 1936,115(Approved Lists);the species was initially described in 1936;the description was emended in 1949 after the original type strain was lost.

The type strain is 9T=ATCC 8290T=CIP 103007T=DSM 20176T=JCM 1155T=LMG 6895T.

245.Lentilactobacillus kefiri(ke.fi′ri.N.L.gen.n.kefiri,of kefir,referring to the source of isolation).高加索酸奶迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus kefir Kandler and Kunath 1983,672VL

The type strain is A/KT=ATCC 35411T=CIP 103006T=DSM 20587T=JCM 5818T=LMG 9480T.

246.Lentilactobacillus kisonensis(ki.so.nen′sis.N.L.masc.adj.kisonensis from Kiso,the county in Japan,from where the type strain was isolated).木曾迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus kisonensis Watanabe et al.2009,757VP.

The type strain is YIT 11168T=DSM 19906T=JCM 15041T=NRIC 074T.

247.Lentilactobacillus otakiensis(o.ta.ki.en′sis.N.L.masc.adj.otakiensis from Otaki,the village in Japan,from where the type strain was isolated).大多喜町迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus otakiensis Watanabe et al.2009,758VP.

The type strain is YIT 11163T=DSM 19908T=JCM 15040T=NRIC 0742T.

248.Lentilactobacillus parabuchneri(Gr.pref.para beside;N.L.gen.n.buchneri a species epithet;N.L.gen.n.parabuchneri beside L.buchneri,referring to the close relationship with this organism).类布氏迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus parabuchneri Farrow et al.1988,371VL;strains of the species were previously classified as L.ferintoshensis or L.frigidus.

The type strain is 6ET=ATCC 49374T=DSM 5707T=JCM 12493T=LMG 11457T.

250.Lentilactobacillus parafarraginis(Gr.pref.para beside;L.gen.n.farraginis a species epithet;N.L.gen.n.parafarraginis beside L.farraginis,referring to the close relationship with this organism).类谷糠迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus parafarraginis Endo and Okada 2007,711VP.

The type strain is NRIC 0676T=DSM 18390T=JCM 14109T=NRIC 0677T.

251.Lentilactobacillus parakefiri(pa.ra.ke'fir.i.Gr.pref.para beside;N.L.gen.n.kefiri a species epithet;N.L.masc.adj.parakefiri beside L.kefiri,referring to the close relationship with this organism).类高加索酸奶迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus parakefiri Takizawa et al.1994,438VP.

The type strain is GCL 1731T=ATCC 51648T=CCUG 39468T=CIP 104242T=DSM 10551T=LMG 15133T.

252.Lentilactobacillus raoultii(ra.oul′ti.i.N.L.gen.n.raoultii of Raoult,named after the microbiologist Didier Raoult).卢氏迟缓乳杆菌

The species was effectively but not validly published as Lactobacillus raoultii Nicaise et al.2019.

The type strain is Strain Marseille P4006T=CSUR P4006T=LMG 31598T=CCUG 71848T.

253.Lentilactobacillus rapi(ra′pi.L.gen.n.rapi of a turnip,the substrate for fermented sunki products).芫菁迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus rapi Watanabe et al.2009,759VP.

The type strain is YIT 11204T=DSM 19907T=JCM 15042T=NRIC 0743T.

254.Lentilactobacillus senioris(se.ni.o′ris.L.gen.n.senioris of an elderly person,indicating the source of the type strain).高级迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus senioris Oki et al.,2012,606VP.

The type strain is YIT 12364T=DSM 24302T=JCM 17472T.

255.Lentilactobacillus sunkii(sun′ki.i.N.L.gen.n.sunkii of sunki,non-salted Japanese traditional pickle).无盐泡菜迟缓乳杆菌

Basonym:Lactobacillus sunkii Watanabe et al.2009,759VP.

The type strain is YIT 11161T=DSM 19904T=JCM 15039T=NRIC 0744T



[1] Zheng J,Wittouck S,Salvetti E,et al.A Taxonomic Note on the Genus Lactobacillus:Description of 23 Novel Genera,Emended Description of the Genus Lactobacillus Beijerinck 1901,and Union of Lactobacillaceae and Leuconostocaceae[J].Int J Syst Evol Microbiol,2020,70(4):2782-2858.doi:10.1099/ijsem.0.004107.