Composition and physicochemical properties of acid soluble collagen of skin of Yunnan bream

  • Yunnan Institute of Food Safety, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China

Online published: 2017-11-29


The acid soluble collagen (ASC) of skin of Yunnan bream was extracted, and the amino acids composition, subunit composition, structural characteristics, thermal stability and solubility of which were investigated. Research showed that ASC was rich in Gly, Pro, Ala, low in Tyr, Met, Cys, and the hydroxylation rate of proline was 35.47%; SDS-PAGE revealed that ASC was mainly composed of α1、α2 and β chains, which was in accordance with the structural features of type I collagen; The maximum UV absorption wavelength was at 230 nm; XRD and FTIR showed that the molecule of ASC was closely and regularly arranged and the helical structure of which was maintained; DSC showed the thermal denaturation temperature of ASC were 86.5 and 226.2℃; SEM showed that ASC was uniformly distributed and had a multi-layered micro structure, which was suitable to be used as carrier in food, medicine and cosmetics industry, and base material in biomedicine; the solubility of ASC was relatively high under acidic (pH<4) and low NaCl concentration (<4% (w/v)) conditions. This paper provided a theoretical basis for the comprehensive utilization of skin of Yunnan bream.

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YAO Hang-hang et al . Composition and physicochemical properties of acid soluble collagen of skin of Yunnan bream[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2017 , 43(11) : 81 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014288

