Instruction for Authors

F&FI processing flow of submitted papers

1. Online submission

Manuscripts(meaning all submission items, including all text, tables, and any other required documents/material) must be submitted online to the journal. The system can be accessed at submission.

Before submission, please ensure that the manuscript has been processed anonymously and the format adheres to the Submission Template.

During submission, please remember the Manuscript ID that the online submission system assigns.

2. Initial evaluation  (1~2 working days)

Editors conduct the initial evaluation.

For papers that pass the initial evaluation and proceed to peer-review process, editors will inform the author for payment and complete the “payment confirmation form for peer-review”.

Papers that are not in the scope of the journal or the similarity is over 20% or lacking in new and innovating ideas will be rejected.

3. Peer review (15~40 days)

Papers will be arranged for peer-review in one week after the editorial office receives the payment. Papers accepted by F&FI will be peer-reviewed by experts in the same or similar research field in a double-blinded manner. The author can recommend experts for peer-review, but the editor preserves the right to preferentially select experts that are already in the expert database. The author also has the right to mention experts that are needed to be avoided for peer-review. Decisions on acceptance, revision, or rejection are usually made within 15 to 40 days from the day the peer-review process starts.

4. Final Evaluation

For officially accepted papers, the author will be informed to add relevant information(author name, affiliation, email, etc.) to the text as required, and pay the publishing fee.

5. Online first publication

The accepted paper will be published online on CNKI in 10 working days after the editorial office receives the publishing fee.

6. Arrangement for print publication

The accepted paper will be arranged for specific volume and issue after 3 months of official acceptance.

7. Final proof

Accepted papers are typeset and proofread by editors. The editors reserve the right to modify typescripts to eliminate ambiguity and repetition. If extensive alterations are required, the manuscript will be returned to the author for revision.

Authors are informed to check the paper before publication, and the final version of the paper will be confirmed once the paper is signed by the author.

8. Print pubication

The author can apply for one free copy of the journal as well as the contribution fee.

Pubdate: 2017-11-16    Viewed: 62185