Ultra-fne grinding and bacteria-reducing of grain based on the high-pressure microchannel fludizer#br#

  • (State Key Laboratory of Food Science & Technology, National Engineering Laboratory for Cereal Fermention Technology, School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, 214122, China)

Online published: 2018-01-03


Millet bran, rice bran, wheat bran, brown rice, sticky rice were wet pulverized by the high-pressure microchannel fludizer.The effects of raw material, pressure and cycle times on particle sizes of the samples were investigated.Effects of the high-pressure microchannel fludizer on the microbial reduction were also studied. The experimental results showed that the particle sizes of millet bran, rice bran, wheat bran, brown rice and sticky rice were reduced significantly after the high-pressure microchannel fludizer treatments.Especially, the particle size was remarkably reducedafter the first cycle. The average particle diameter D50of brown rice and sticky rice was reduced to less than 10 μm after the high-pressure microchannel fludizer treatments. The results showed that the total number of microbialdecreased by 20 times, and the high-pressure microchannel fludizer played a role in bacteria-reducing. Therefore, the shelf-life of liquid products can be extended.

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LI Juan et al . Ultra-fne grinding and bacteria-reducing of grain based on the high-pressure microchannel fludizer#br#[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2017 , 43(12) : 44 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.013880

