Study on authenticity of Maca (Lepidiummeyenii) powder based on electronic bionics

  • (1. China National Research Institute of Food Fermentation Industries, Beijing 100015, China2.Jiangnan University, School of Biotechnology, Key Laboratory of Sugar Chemistry and Biotechnology of Ministry of Education3. New Era Health Industry (Group) Co. Ltd., Beijing 102206, China)

Online published: 2018-01-08


In recent years, Chinese Maca industry has been through a roller coaster development, along with the price skyrocketed and plummeted. When Maca held at high price, the phenomenon adding the inferior powder (corn flour, radish powder and turnip powder etc.) into commercial Maca powder was overwhelmingly universal. In the present study, the microstructures of corn flour, radish powder, turnip powder and Maca powder were investigated by desktop scanning electron microscopy (SEM), and elemental compositions of turnip and Maca powder were analyzed. The result illustrated that radish powder and corn flour were evidently different from the micro-morphology of Maca powder. Turnip powder was the closest to Maca powder, but there were still apparent

differences. By X-ray energy spectrum analysis, the result showed: if N and O element mass ratio were close to 43.75% ± 0.79% and 29.92% ± 0.74% respectively, the sample was considered pure Maca powder preliminarily; otherwise the measured was suspected to fake Maca powder .Meanwhile, electronic nose was used to detectedMaca powder adding different proportions turnip powder. It was suggested that the fingerprints of Maca powder with distinct degree adulteration appeared a certain regularity. Electronic nose not only could effectively identify the authenticity of Maca powder, but might also roughly determine the proportional range of adulteration. Additionally, quality control of raw materials and products could be attained by statistical quality control (SQC) analysis model.

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DANG Yan-ting et al . Study on authenticity of Maca (Lepidiummeyenii) powder based on electronic bionics[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2017 , 43(12) : 169 -175 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014722

