Principal component analysis and comprehensive evaluation of amino acids in egg white from six kinds of eggs#br#

  • (1.Tibet Agricultural and Animal Husbandry College, Lin’zhi, 860000, Tibet Province) (2.School of Food Engineering and Nutrition Science, Xi’an, 710119, Shaanxi Province)

Online published: 2018-02-05


To study the difference of comprehensive quality of amino acids in albumen among different commercial eggs, the methods of ratio coefficient of amino acid and principle components analysis were used to compare the levels and composition of amino acids in albumen among six varieties of commercial eggs. Meanwhile it could evaluate the nutritional value of six kinds of eggs. The result showed that all eggs had 16 kinds of amino acids in egg white. The total content of amino acids was between 8.977-11.926 mg/100g, and Fanghong quail egg was the highest. Essential amino acids model in albumen among Huaxiangnong egg, Qinbashan native egg, Qinbashan pollution-free egg and Fanghong quail egg were close to FAO/WHO essential amino acids model, which indicated their essential amino acids had higher nutritional value. Three principal components were extracted by principal component analysis to establish the comprehensive evaluation model and evaluate comprehensive quality of amino acids, results showed that Niaowang grain egg had the best comprehensive quality, followed by Fanghong quail egg and Qinbashan pollution-free egg.

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LI Qian-qian et al . Principal component analysis and comprehensive evaluation of amino acids in egg white from six kinds of eggs#br#[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(1) : 224 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.014509

