Food and Fermentation Industries

Preparation and characterization of limonene nanoliposomes

  • 1(Citrus Research Institute;Southwest University;Chongqing 400712;China) 2(College of Food Science;Southwest University;Chongqing 400715;China)

Online published: 2018-05-25


In this experiment; limonene lipsomes were prepared by ethanol injection method with limonene as the material. One-factor-at-a-time design was used to investigate the effects of six process parameters on encapsulation efficiency. Three main process parameters that influence encapsulation efficiency including the cholesterol content; the limonene content and the temperature of phosphate buffer solution were optimized by response surface analysis based on a three-variable; three-level Box-Behnken experimental design. The optimal conditions for preparing limonene liposomes were determined as the amount of cholesterol 8.8 mg; limonene 12.7 mg; and the temperature of PBS 51 ℃. Under these conditions; the actual encapsulation efficiency of limonene liposomes was (67.44±0.58) %; which showed a relative error of 0.4 % when compared with the predicted value. The average particle size was (165.4±2.08) nm; PDI was (0.185±0.011); Zeta potential was (-16.23±0.569) mV.

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HAO Jing-mei1;2;SUN Zhi-gao1;2*;SHENG Ran1;FANG Ming1;YU Feng-sheng1 . Preparation and characterization of limonene nanoliposomes[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(4) : 173 -179 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.015251

