Effects of different modifiers on the quality of cassava flour

  • LI Pei ,
  • XIE Cai-feng ,
  • DING Hui-min ,
  • LU Hai-qin ,
  • HANG Fang-xue ,
  • GU Bi
  • 1(Light Industry and Food Engineering College, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China)
    2( Institute of Starch Chemicals, Guangxi University, Nanning 530004, China)

Received date: 2017-11-29

  Online published: 2018-10-30


Whole grain cassava flour and gluten, xanthan gum, and acetylated diamante phosphate were used in making noodles. The effects of different dosages of the above food additives on the gelatinization characteristics, thermal properties and microstructure, cooking loss and texture characteristics of cassava flour noodles were studied. The results showed that 6% wheat gluten, 9% acetylated diamante phosphate, 1.5% xanthan gum and 1% salt combination improved the quality of noodles. Under the above conditions, the noodle cooking loss is about 7.8%, the hardness of the whole texture parameter is about 207.5 g, the elasticity is about 0.964 and the viscosity is 5.924 g·s. Compared with wheat noodle, cassava whole flour noodle are more soft, elastic and sticky are similar to wheat noodle, recovery rate are higher. The cooking loss of cassava noodle is slightly higher than wheat noodle. The noodle overall quality was improved and met the industry standard of LS/T 3212-2014.

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LI Pei , XIE Cai-feng , DING Hui-min , LU Hai-qin , HANG Fang-xue , GU Bi . Effects of different modifiers on the quality of cassava flour[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(9) : 218 -224 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016384


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