Optimization of protein extraction from Heterotrophic chlorella using thermo-alkaline

  • HU Shou-zhen ,
  • BI Sheng-lei ,
  • HUANG Li-li ,
  • ZOU Ting-ting ,
  • GUO Le-le ,
  • YANG Di ,
  • ZHANG Nai-qun
  • 1 (College of Life Science and Technology, Nanyang Normal University, Nanyang 473061, China)
    2 (State Key Laboratory of Motor Vehicle Biofuel Technology,Henan Tianguan Group Co.,Ltd.,Nanyang 473000,China)

Received date: 2017-12-05

  Online published: 2018-10-30


Protein extraction from Heterotrophic chlorella before extracting oil can reduce its oil extraction cost. In this study, the protein extraction rate was used as an index, the hot alkali method was used to extract protein from Heterotrophic chlorella. Single factor test was used to determine the best level of main factors in the extraction process. Then the interaction of main factors was studied by orthogonal test. The results showed that the best extracting conditions were: NaOH 20%, solid-liquid ratio 50∶1, extraction time 60 min and extraction temperature 55 ℃. Under these conditions,the protein extraction rate of Heterotrophic chlorella was the highest of 55.24%. By hot alkali method, the extraction rate was high, the operation was simple and the cost was low. It has a good potential in industrial application. This study provides a reference for an economic maximization of Heterotrophic chlorella oil production.

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HU Shou-zhen , BI Sheng-lei , HUANG Li-li , ZOU Ting-ting , GUO Le-le , YANG Di , ZHANG Nai-qun . Optimization of protein extraction from Heterotrophic chlorella using thermo-alkaline[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(9) : 212 -217 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016436


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