Enzymatic properties of maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase mutant strain from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius ATCC 33909 and optimization of trehalose preparation

  • 1(State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)2(School of Biotechnology and Key Laboratory of Industrial Biotechnology Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University,Wuxi 214122, China)3(Joint Laboratory for International Cooperation in Food Safety by the Ministry of Education, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)

Online published: 2018-09-13


Maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase (MTHase), which is derived from the Sulfolobus acidocaldarius ATCC 33909, is a key enzyme in the couple enzymatic production of trehalose. The mutant strain L202P/L218D/Y323G, which has a 1.9-fold increase in protein expression, was used for the determination of enzymatic properties and trehalose conversion. The optimum temperature,optimum pH,pH stability and 60 ℃ half-life of mutant strain L202P/L218D/Y323G SaMTHase were determined. The results showed that there was no significant change in the enzymatic properties of the mutant strain. The kinetic parameters of the mutant strain L202P/L218D/Y323G SaMTHase were determined using maltotetraosyl trehalose as substrate. Using Maltodextrin (DE 5-7) as substrate, maltooligosyl trehalose synthase (MTSase) was mixed with the mutant L202P/L218D/Y323G SaMTHase at different ratios. The trehalose conversion results showed that trehalose conversion ratio was up to 76.0%.

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WANG Zhen-dong et al . Enzymatic properties of maltooligosyltrehalose trehalohydrolase mutant strain from Sulfolobus acidocaldarius ATCC 33909 and optimization of trehalose preparation[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018 , 44(8) : 14 -19 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016962

