A cDNA gene eglA6 encoding β-glucanase was cloned and the recombinant enzyme designated as AnEglA6 showed high thermal stability. The codon of eglA6 was optimized to artificially synthesize a gene. The codon-optimized gene eglA6b was expressed in Pichia pastoris. The average activity of recombinant yeast transformants with eglA6b was 1.8 times higher than those with eglA6. The recombinant AneglA6 was purified and characterized. The molecular weight of AneglA6 was approximately 52 ku. AneglA6 did not showed any activity when the substrate was polysaccharides composed of 1,3-glucoside bond-linked glucoses, such as yeast β-glucan. AneglA6 showed low specific activity of 1 645.7 U/mg when the substrate was polysaccharides containing only β-1,4-glucoside, such as CMC-Na. AneglA6 showed high activities of 12 450.6 U/mg when the substrate was barley glucan. The optimum temperature of AneglA6 was 75 ℃. The half-lives of AneglA6 in 75 ℃ and 70 ℃ were 1.9 h and 4.6 h, respectively. The optimum pH of AneglA was 4.0. Between pH 3.0-5.5, AneglA6 showed more than 50% of its maximum enzymatic activity. In conclusion, AnEglA6 is an endo-β-1,4-glucanase, which showed high activity and stability in high temperature and acid conditions.
HAN Bing
WANG Shi-lan
CHEN Xian-zhong
. Gene cloning, expression and characterization analysis of a highly thermal stable β-glucanase gene from Aspergillus niger[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(11)
: 55
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017330
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