The moisture absorption time, the amount of desiccant and anticaking agents on the effects of wolfberry powder and packaging materials on caking prevention were analyzed by response surface method. The results show that, in single factor experiment, desiccant and anticaking agent have an obvious effect on slowing down the caking process. According to single factor test results, response surface was applied to optimize the condition of wolfberry anticaking by selecting caking degree as an indicator. The factors of amount of silica, moisture absorption time and amount of calcium chloride affecting the caking degree were obtained by multiple regression fitting. The order of of the effect degree was: amount of silica added>moisture absorption time>amount of calcium. The optimal conditions of anticaking are: Calcium chloride 0.06%, silica 1.00%, and the moisture absorption time 12 days. In the above conditions, the caking degree is 48.73%. In the optimal anticaking conditions, vacuum packaging is better than non-vacuum packaging. Under the same degree of vacuum, the effects of different packaging materials on the anticaking effects are: polyethylene transparent plastic packaging (PE)>kraft paper (kraft paper/PE)>aluminum foil composite film packaging (aluminum foil/PE).
XU Hao
LI Shi-yao
ZHAO Yu-hui
BU Ning-xia
LIU Dun-hua
. Optimization of wolfberry powder anticaking process by response surface methodology[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(11)
: 216
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016543
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