Using wheat flour as control,the best processing condition for noodle is: micronized tartary buckwheat flour 10%-40%, no gluten and thickening agent, and micronized tartary buckwheat flour10%. Using target profile of Mixolab, sensory evaluation and texture analysis, the micronized tartary buckwheat noodle′s quality was studied. The results show that Mixolab analyzer can prejudge the quality of noodles and guide noodle processing.
ZHAO Guo-hua
ZENG Zhi-hong
ZHANG Xue-mei
LI Xue
LIANG Ye-xing
GAO Fei-hu
ZHANG Huan-huan
YU Hui
. The application of micronized tartary buckwheat flour in noodle processing[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(11)
: 222
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016777
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