In order to inhibit color browning of green pepper during natural drying and hot air drying, and improve the quality of dry green pepper, the combined treatment of hot air drying and steaming treatment was applied. On the basis of single factor test, the effect of different hot air drying conditions on the quality of dried green pepper was investigated. The results showed that the chromatic aberration of dried green pepper treated with steaming was better than that of untreated group whereas the content of volatile oil and hemp flavor of untreated group were slightly lower than that of steaming treatment group. Drying temperature and wind speed had a great influence on the quality of dried green pepper, the amount of green pepper had less influence. The best hot air drying combination was: hot air temperature 64.80 ℃, the amount of pepper 540.85 g and the hot air velocity 0.48 m/s. Regression model fitted very well with the hot air drying process. There was a good agreement between the predicted and experimental values, indicating the reliability of this model is high.
MEI Xiao-fei
CHENG Hou-rong
KAN Jian-quan
. Effects of hot air drying on the quality of Zanthoxylum schinifolium and its optimization[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(11)
: 251
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016805
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