In order to optimize the fermentation conditions for fern rice wine-making and to study its in vitro antioxidant properties, fern root and glutinous rice as raw materials, the contents of flavonoids and sensory evaluation as response variables, Box-Behnken Center Combination Test Model and response surface were used for optimizing fermentation process. The anti-oxidation activity of fern rice wine on DPPH free radical, ABTS free radical, hydroxyl radical scavenging and reducing power were studied. The response surface analysis of the quadratic regression model showed that the optimal fermentation conditions for the fern rice wine were as follows: fern addition (20%), Jiuqu addition (1.6%), fermentation temperature (28 ℃), fermentation time (5.5 d). Under these optimal conditions, the contents of flavonoids were 43.88 mg/L. The fern rice wine had a certain antioxidant activity, and its DPPH radical scavenging rate, ABTS free radical scavenging rate, reducing power and hydroxyl radical scavenging rate were higher than that of rice wine in a dose-dependent manner. The fern rice wine displayed a high hydroxyl radical scavenging capacity (IC50=2.335 mg VC/mL).
WEI Jin-song
XU Zhou
HUANG Xian-long
. Fermentation condition optimization and antioxidant activity of fern rice wine[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(12)
: 137
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017645
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