In this study, the compositions and contents of free amino acids (FAAs), 5′-nucleotides and their degradation products in braised chicken were measured to evaluate the taste characteristics, based on the taste active values (TAVs) and equivalent umami concentrations (EUCs), which aims to reveal the effect of brine recycle on taste compounds of braised chicken and provide useful references for its standardized production. With the increase of brine recycle, FAAs, 5′-nucleotides and their degradation products, EUC increased significantly (p<0.05). Contents of Umami amino acid (UAA), Sweet amino acid (SAA), Other amino acid (OAA), 5′-Guanosine monophosphate (5′-GMP), 5′-Inosine monophosphate (5′-IMP), 5′-Adenosine diphosphate (5′-ADP), Hypoxanthine (Hx), 5′-Adenosine monophosphate (5′-AMP), Inosine (I) and flavor nucleotide in braised chicken after 18 brine recycles was 26.92, 73.82, 0.86, 2.79, 77.55, 8.22, 8.54, 12.25, 20.18 and 82.60 mg/100g, respectively. 5′-Inosine monophosphate (5′-IMP) was the main flavor nucleotide. TAV of 5′-IMP was 3.10 and EUC was 2.23 on braised chicken. Taste compounds of braised chicken after 18 brine recycles seem to keep stable (p>0.05).
LIU Deng-yong
LIU Huan
ZHANG Qing-yong
QI Jun
XU Xing-lian
. Effect of non-salt flavor compounds on braised chicken during brine recycles[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(12)
: 194
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016767
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