In order to develop a stable and rapid detection method for sulfonamides residues, a rapid detection method of ELISA kit was established by using self-made antigens and monoclonal antibodies. The results showed that the antigen concentration was 2×104 times, and the antibody to enzyme standard two was 2×104:2000; the sensitivity of the method was 3.88 ng/mL, Detection range 1.18 ng/mL-41.67 ng/mL, which could be used to detect most sulfonamides like drugs, and the kit 180 d parameters were stable at 4 ℃. The recoveries of sulfonamides and their sulfonamides were 67.4%-117%, and the coefficient of variation among batches was <10%, and the coefficient of variation within batch was <10%.
XIE Ti-bo
GONG Wei-yao
ZHONG Xin-min
WU Zi-jie
YUAN Guang-yu
. Development of ELISA kit for detection of sulfonamides residues in animal derived foods[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2018
, 44(12)
: 250
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016381
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