Quality evaluation and determination of donkey-hide gelatin and bovine-hide gelatin in health-care food of donkey-hide gelatin

  • WANG Chao ,
  • CHI Shaoyun ,
  • YANG Zhao ,
  • ZHU Bo ,
  • PEI Lin ,
  • XU Hui
  • (Qingdao Institute for Food and Drug Control,Qingdao 266071,China)

Received date: 2018-01-08

  Online published: 2019-02-01


Donkey-hide gelatin and bovine-hide gelatin were determined in 6 kinds of formulations, such as powder, capsule, lozenge, jell, and oral solution, and 67 samples of donkey-hide gelatin using UPLC-MS/MS. The contents of donkey-hide gelatin and bovine-hide gelatin were analysed and evaluated by measuring L-hydroxyproline, glycine, alanine, L-proline, moisture, and protein. The content of donkey-hide gelatin in tablets was found to be 39%-65%, and protein was 68%-84%. The detection rate of bovine-hide gelatin was 22.8%, and 2 batches exceeded the standard. The content of donkey-hide gelatin indicated as the sum of L-hydroxyproline, glycine, alanine, and L-proline had significant differences in other 5 formulations, as they were all lower than that in tablets. Moreover, 16 batches were detected to contain bovine-hide gelatin, but none of them exceeded the standard. The present method is repeatable and sensitive to distinguish donkey-hide gelatin and bovine-hide gelatin. It is necessary to pay attention to raw materials of donkey-hide gelatin and formulate standards for different formulations.

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WANG Chao , CHI Shaoyun , YANG Zhao , ZHU Bo , PEI Lin , XU Hui . Quality evaluation and determination of donkey-hide gelatin and bovine-hide gelatin in health-care food of donkey-hide gelatin[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(1) : 224 -228 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.016740


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