In present study, seven kinds of starch were used to mix with gluten to form reconstituted flour. The rheological properties and microstructures of dough samples with reconstituted flour were determined. This study aimed to investigate whether the starch type is a main factor affects the characteristics of reconstituted dough. The results showed that starch types significantly affected the rheological properties and microstructures of reconstituted dough. 0.05% was selected as the constant strain value of the dynamic frequency sweep. The relationships between storage modulus, loss modulus, and angular frequency of dough samples were well-fitted to the Power-law equation. The elasticity of dough with reconstituted rice flour was the highest, followed by sweet potato, potato, pea, wheat, maize, and highland barley dough. The trend of stickiness was similar to that of elasticity, only the top three orders changed (sweet potato>potato>rice dough). Highland barley and potato dough showed better liquidity than sweet potato, pea, wheat, maize, and rice dough. The creep-recovery tests of each dough indicated that highland barley dough deformed the most, followed by potato, wheat, maize, sweet potato, and pea dough. The rice dough exhibited the smallest deformation. In terms of microstructure, the order of starch binding level in each dough network was: wheat, barley>maize, sweet potato>pea, potato and rice starch.
WANG Yuyan
LIU Haibo
LIU Xiong
. Effects of starch types on rheological properties of reconstituted dough[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(3)
: 112
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017659
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