The pre-rehydrated vacuum-packaged Dougan is rich in nutrients and high in moisture, however, it has short shelf-life due to spoilage mainly by Bacillus spores. To effectively prevent spoilage, nisin, ε-polylysine, and potassium sorbate on four dominant spoilage Bacillus strains were tested, and their minimal inhibitory concentrations and inhibition rates were examined. The effects of recombinant preservatives were also comparatively evaluated under different utility conditions. The results showed that nisin and ε-polylysine had stronger antibacterial activities against four strains than that of potassium sorbate. The optimal formulation of recombinant preservatives determined by response surface methodology was 22.50 μg/mL nisin, 57.54 μg/mL ε-polylysine, and 425 μg/mL potassium sorbate. The maximal antibacterial and preservative effects of recombinant preservatives were obtained together with heat treatment at 100 ℃ for 20 min. The shelf-life of treated pre-rehydrated Dougan extended up to 10 days at 25 ℃, which was 4 days longer than the control. This study provides references for preserving pre-rehydrated vacuum-packaged Dougan.
TANG Guiyu
TANG Yilin
DAI Boren
JIANG Ailing
ZHANG Zhiqing
SHEN Guanghui
. Development of preservatives for anticorrosion of pre-rehydrated vacuum-packed Dougan[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(4)
: 110
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018641
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