Irpex lacteus F036 is an aroma-producing fungus producing high-level cellulase. This study explored the conditions for I. lacteus F036 to produce cellulase by fermentation and the enzymatic properties were subsequently examined. The results showed that the optimal conditions for cellulase production were as follows: peptone as nitrogen source, initial pH of 5.0, and fermented for 4 d. Under this condition, the maximum enzyme activities of FPA, C1, CX, and βG were 2.058, 1.401, 163.982, and 3.079 IU/mL, respectively. Meanwhile, the enzyme activity of CX was remarkably higher than others. The optimal reaction pH and temperatures for all these enzymes were 5.0 and 50 ℃, respectively. Besides, 0.15 mg/mL Fe2+, Co2+, K+, and Ca2+ increased Cx activity by 28.95%, 11.69%, 1.53%, and 1.19%, respectively. In comparison, 0.15 mg/mL Zn2+, Cu2+, Mg2+, and Fe3+ decreased Cx activity by 12.09%, 11.03%, 9.70%, and 6.83%, respectively. In conclusion, I. lacteus F036 is a high Cx cellulase-producing strain, which has a potential value in cellulose degradation by fungal synergistic fermentation.
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