
Efficient expression of trehalose synthase in Bacillus subtilis WB800n

  • WANG Xihui ,
  • LIU Hongling ,
  • SUI Songsen ,
  • YANG Shaojie ,
  • WANG Ruiming ,
  • WANG Tengfei
  • 1 (State Key Laboratory of Biobased Materials and Green PaperMaking,Qilu University of Technology, Jinan 250353,China)
    2 (Key Laboratory of Microbial Engineering, Shandong ProvinceQilu University of Technology, Jinan 250353,China)
    3 (Zhucheng Dongxiao Biotechnology Co., Ltd. Weifang 261000,China)

Received date: 2018-11-05

  Revised date: 2018-12-19

  Online published: 2019-05-14


The effects of single promoter and multiple promoters on the expression of foreign proteins were studied using Bacillus subtilis as an expression platform and trehalose synthase as an expression protein. Six promoters were selected to construct single promoters PsrfA and P43. A four-stage specific promoter tandem expression system PabrB-spoVG-LytR-mmgA was also constructed for validation. According to the experimental results, the constitutive promoter P43 had the highest transcriptional strength, the enzyme activity in the shake flask reached 3 381 U/g. The tandem promoter PabrB-spoVG-LytR-mmgA had the second highest strength. The fermentation was optimized for recombinant enzyme pHT01-P43-treS, which was verified to have the highest activity, and the scale-up experiment was carried out in a 5 L fermentor, and the enzyme activity reached 7 215 U/g. The self-induced and high-efficiency expression of trehalose synthase in B. subtilis was achieved, which laid a foundation for obtaining a highly efficient expression system of trehalose synthase.

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WANG Xihui , LIU Hongling , SUI Songsen , YANG Shaojie , WANG Ruiming , WANG Tengfei . Efficient expression of trehalose synthase in Bacillus subtilis WB800n[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(7) : 29 -36 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019246


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