Pea starch (PS) and low methoxyl pectin (LMP) were used as raw materials to form a composite system, and the mass ratio of PS to LMP was 8.5∶1.5. Effects of different concentrations (0.1, 0.5, 1.0 mol/L) and different salt ions (NaCl, CaCl2, KCl) on the changes in rheology, texture, gelatinization properties and other physiochemical properties of the composite system were investigated. The results showed that all three salt irons increased the shear resistance of the system. However, the characteristics of non-Newtonian fluid of the system did not change. The consistency coefficient (K) of the composite system increased with increasing salt, while the fluid index (n) hardly changed. Salt ions could reduce the elastic properties and increase the viscosity ratio of the system. K+ could significantly increase the hardness of the system, and Ca2+ had greater influences on the adhesiveness and chewiness of the system. Salt ions had effects on gelatinization properties of the system, and Ca2+ had the most significant impacts, because the peak viscosity and gelatinization temperature of the system increased significantly in the presence of Ca2+. The disintegration value of the system also increased, but the retrograde value showed a downward trend. The structures of starch granules showed that salt ions, especially bivalent ions, could inhibit starch swelling and therefore protect the starch. This study indicated that salt ions had great influences on the rheological, textural, gelatinization and other physiochemical properties of PS/LMP complex system in such an order: Ca2+>K+>Na+.
YU Binbin
ZENG Ruiqi
ZHANG Fusheng
. Effects of different salt irons on physicochemical properties of pea starch/low methoxyl pectin composite system[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(7)
: 101
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018433
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