Purification process, antibacterial properties of Cyperus esculentus total flavonoids (CETF), and their applications in fresh milk preservation were studied. The AB-8 macroporous resin was used to purify CETF. By examining the conditions of static and dynamic absorption, the optimal conditions to purify CETF was determined. The inhibitory effects of CETF on several common strains were studied using inhibition zone, followed by adding it to fresh milk. The effects of CETF on fresh milk storage were investigated by testing acidity and total number of colonies of milk. The results showed that the optimal purification process for CETF was as follows: injection at 1.0 BV/h, 1.0 mg/mL injection mass, 70% eluent volume, and eluted at 1.5 BV/h. Under this condition, the purity of CETF was (32.63±0.61)%, which was 3.5 times higher than the raw material. The CETF had the strongest inhibitory effect on gram-positive bacteria. The total number of colonies and acidity of milk reduced with CETF. Additionally, the greater the concentration of CETF,the smaller the changes in milk acidity. Overall, CETF has beneficial effects on preserving fresh milk.
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