The quality changes in ultra high pressure (UHP)-treated cold-crushed kiwi fruit pulp during storage were investigated. Changes in major microbiological indicators, physiochemical indicators, nutritional indicators, and index of its main enzyme activity were studied when stored at 4 ℃ for 6 weeks and at -20 ℃ for 14 weeks. The results showed that after storing at both conditions, increments of proliferation for Escherichia coli, mold, and yeast were small and slow in the pulp. After storing the UHP-treated kiwi fruit pulp at 4 ℃ for 6 weeks, its total number of colonies as well as the browning degree increased significantly by 97.19% and 23.53%, respectively. Its contents of Vc, polyphenols, and pectin decreased significantly by 17.27%, 17.81% and 11.33%, respectively. Besides, the enzyme activity of pectin decreased by 50%. On the other hand, after storing the UHP-treated kiwi fruit pulp at -20 ℃ for 14 weeks, its total number of colonies and browning degree significantly increased by 85.98% and 32.35%, respectively. Its Vc, polyphenols, and pectin contents reduced significantly by 17.36%,11.96%, and 11.96%, respectively. Moreover, pectin activity was lowered by 63.98%. The kiwi fruit pulp stored for 14 weeks at -20 ℃ maintained good quality. Therefore, the UHP can inactive enzymes and have sterilizing effects on heat-sensitive kiwi fruit pulp, which provides the basis for refinery processing and products development of kiwi fuit.
MA Jing
LI Han
MENG Yonghong
GUO Yurong
. Quality changes in cold crushed kiwi fruit pulp treated with ultra-high pressure sterilization during storage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(8)
: 123
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.017979
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