Ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction of β-glucan from hull-less barley

  • YOU Maolan ,
  • QIN Xiaoli ,
  • DUAN Jiaojiao ,
  • LIU Xiong
  • 1(Southwest University School of Food Science, Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2018-10-05

  Revised date: 2018-10-23

  Online published: 2019-05-14


The extraction yield of β-glucan from hull-less barley bran by ultrasonic-microwave synergistic method was studied. Single factor experiments and orthogonal tests were used to optimize the extraction conditions. Additionally, effects of ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction were compared against water extraction, ultrasonic extraction, and microwave extraction. Changes in surface structure of the hull-less barley bran powder were observed by scanning electron microscopy to investigate the mechanism of ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction. The results showed that the optimal conditions were as follows: sonicated at 250 W for 20 min, microwaved at 800 W for 3 min, and the solid to liquid ratio was 1∶25 (g∶mL). Under this condition, the yield of β-glucan was about 2.29%. The yield of ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction in comparison to water extraction, ultrasonic extraction, and microwave extraction increased by 120.19%, 57.93% and 18.65%, respectively. Scanning electron microscopy showed that water extraction caused swelling of the bran powder, and its structure became loose from tightness. Ultrasonic extraction made the flakes of bran powder finer. The thermal effect of microwave caused the bran powder to be puffed and enlarged due to rapid heating. The ultrasonic-microwave synergistic method made the structure of the bran powder bulky, loose, and porous. Overall, the yield of β-glucan may have a certain correlation with the damaging level of the bran structure.

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YOU Maolan , QIN Xiaoli , DUAN Jiaojiao , LIU Xiong . Ultrasonic-microwave synergistic extraction of β-glucan from hull-less barley[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(8) : 178 -183 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018969


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