Preparation and stability of whole lotus root juice based on high-pressuremicrochannel grinding technology

  • LI Juan ,
  • GE Bingquan ,
  • XU Xueer ,
  • YING Renwen ,
  • LU Zhengjie ,
  • HU Weicheng ,
  • CHEN Yang ,
  • FENG Fu ,
  • YU Peibing ,
  • CHEN Zhengxing
  • 1(School of Food Science and Technology, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122, China)
    2(Jiangsu Key Laboratory for Eco-Agricultural Biotechnology around Hongze Lake (Huaiyin Normal University), Huai’an 223300, China)
    3(National Engineering Laboratory for Cereal Fermentation Technology(Jiangnan University), Wuxi 214122, China)

Received date: 2018-09-25

  Online published: 2019-06-06


The whole lotus root juice with good taste was prepared by high-pressure microchannel grinding technology. Sulfur-free anti-browning agents were adopted to protect its color, and a compounded stabilizer was used to improve the suspension stability of the juice. The results showed that when the sulfur-free anti-browning agents (0.6% citric acid, 0.6% ascorbic acid, and 0.06% cysteine, all of these concentrations were mass fraction) were used for 10 min, the brightness value of the whole lotus root juice was the highest (L*=91.6). When the pressure of high pressure microchannel was 60 MPa and treated the lotus root for twice, the average diameter of the whole lotus root juice reached about 10 μm. Besides, when the optimal stabilizer (0.12% xanthan gum, 0.12% sodium carboxymethylcellulose (CMC-Na), and 0.04% pectin, all of these concentrations were mass fraction) was used, the stability coefficient of the whole lotus root juice was 0.874, and its suspension stability was the best.

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LI Juan , GE Bingquan , XU Xueer , YING Renwen , LU Zhengjie , HU Weicheng , CHEN Yang , FENG Fu , YU Peibing , CHEN Zhengxing . Preparation and stability of whole lotus root juice based on high-pressuremicrochannel grinding technology[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(9) : 123 -127 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018881


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