In order to analyze the types and quantities of spoilage bacteria in fresh-cut spinach stored at 4 ℃, high-throughput sequencing and traditional methods (physiological, biochemical, and morphological characterization) were used. The results showed that at early stage of storage, Pseudomonadaceae (48.99% abundance) and Enterobacteriaceae (48.62% abundance) were dominant species. Moreover, the abundance of Pseudomonadaceae rose to 70.27% at the end of storage while the abundance of Enterobacteriaceae decreased to 21.75%, therefore, Pseudomonadaceae was dominant at the end of storage. Furthermore, Pseudomonas and Pantoea were dominant bacteria during early storage period, as their abundances reached 47.84% and 30.7%, respectively. Erwinia and Buttiauxella were the second dominant bacteria with abundances of 8.09% and 4.64%, respectively. At middle stage of storage, the abundances of Pseudomonas, Pantoea, Erwinia, and Buttiauxella reached 58.25%, 13.94%, 8.69%, and 9.73%, respectively. At the end of storage, Pseudomonas was dominant and accounted for 68.97%, while Pantoea, Erwinia, and Buttiauxella only accounted for 5.4%, 10.7%, and 4%, respectively. Therefore, Pseudomonas was the main dominant spoilage bacteria. Additionally, compared with traditional methods, high-throughput detection technology can accurately quantify and identify DNA components, and also improve precisions and save time.
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