To establish a fermentation process to produce SOD by Cordyceps militaris, the biomass and SOD activity of the mycelia from four strains of C. militaris,YCC-B, YCC-C, YCC-W, and YCC-Y, were examined. Of which, C. militaris YCC-W produced the highest activity of SOD. The optimized fermentation condition for producing SOD from YCC-W was as follows: 4% inoculum, 100 mL working volume in a 250 mL flask, and at pH=5.5. Under this condition, the SOD activity was 19.74 U/mL (increased 42.04%) and the specific activity was 56.34 U/mg (enhanced by 44.23%). Besides, the removal rate of SOD increased by 41.17% and reached 54.84%. In conclusion, this study provides a new method for producing SOD by C. militaris fermentation, which shows a certain application prospect in replacing traditional animal blood to obtain SOD.
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