Effects of different processing technologies on the quality of Psidium guajava L fruit powder were studied. Ascorbic acid was used as a browning inhibitor, and better processing conditions were obtained. The results showed that the color of the fruit powder, contents of ascorbic acid, reducing sugar, and total phenol, as well as the browning index of the powder changed significantly under different processing conditions. Compared with the original dried powder, the loss rates of ascorbic acid in concentrated dried powder, sterilized dried powder, and concentrated sterilized dried powder were 5.13%, 6.29% and 5.83%, respectively. The loss rates of total phenol were 3.28%, 13.50%, and 20.05%, respectively. Additionally, concentrated dried fruit powder could save more cost. Compared with concentrated dried powder with no pretreatment, concentrated dry powder pretreated with 7 to 8 g/L ascorbic acid solution had higher polyphenol content and lower browning index. Therefore, ascorbic acid can be used to inhibit the browning of fruit powder.
MO Rijian
YAN Xiemin
HUANG Manfang
LI Chengyong
. Effects of different processing technologies on the quality of Psidium guajava L fruit powder and inhibition on its browning[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(10)
: 129
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019025
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