The acute and subchronic toxicity tests of pepper seeds’ antifungal peptides were carried out using mice and rats. The results showed that no obvious poisoning phenomenon observed after feeding mice with 5g/kg bw of the antifungal peptides for one week. Besides, when fed rats with 300 mg/kg bw peptides continuously for 30 d did not have any significant effects on their feed utilization rate, organ indexes, blood routine, and blood biochemical indexes. In addition, there were no pathological changes caused by the antifungal peptides in rats. These results indicated that pepper seeds’ antifungal peptides were safe, as they did not cause accumulated toxicity in the body. Moreover, it was found that different doses of the antifungal peptides could inhibit mold reproduction to various degrees and reduce fatty acid value. The effects of 0.3 g/kg pepper seeds’ antifungal peptides were similar to the effects of standard dosages of calcium propionate and natamycin (P>0.05). These results demonstrated that pepper seeds’ antifungal peptides have the potential to be developed as a new anti-fungal agent to safely store agricultural products.
HAN Yuzhu
ZHAO Jianjun
CHEN Qiang
WU Changfeng
XIONG Weiliang
YANG Yemei
. Safety evaluation of antifungal peptides derived from pepper seeds and their applications in preventing corn spoilage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(10)
: 155
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019235
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