In order to solve the problem that dried meat is hard to chew, the oil was expected to be stored well in the recombinant system of minced meat. This paper studied the effects of oil, compounded phosphate, glutamine transaminase (TG enzyme), and soybean protein isolate on the gel strength of the recombinant minced meat product. The results showed that oil, compounded phosphate, TG enzyme, and soy protein isolate had significant effects on the gel strength of the recombinant product (P<0.05). The best processing formula was found as follows: 1.63% soy protein isolate, 0.30% compounded phosphate, 1.95% TG enzyme, and 6.00% corn oil. Under this condition, the gel strength of the recombinant meat was 32 366 g·cm,which was close to the predicted value (34 542 g·cm). Besides, the scanning electron micrograph showed that the gel network of the optimized recombinant product was uniform and porous, which was beneficial for the oil to be stored well in the gel network.
JIANG Pingxiang
WANG Qinzhi
TENG Jianwen
XIA Ning
WEI Baoyao
. Optimized pork recombination formula by response surface methodology[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(10)
: 168
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.018918
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