Development of biosensors to detect aminoglycoside residues in animal-derived foods

  • CAI Pingyao ,
  • WANG Jia ,
  • TAO Xiaoqi
  • 1(College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)
    2(National Food Science and Engineering Experimental Teaching Center, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China)

Received date: 2018-10-16

  Online published: 2019-06-17


Aminoglycosides are one of antibacterial drugs with a broad spectrum and highly effective. They have been widely used in aquaculture. However, aminoglycosides are ototoxic and nephrotoxic, their excessive use or abuse in livestock production will result in drug residues in animal-derived foods, which possesses a potential threat to human health. Therefore, it is imperative to establish a simple, fast, sensitive and accurate method to detect aminoglycosides. This review discussed the advantages and disadvantages of antibodies, aptamers, and molecularly imprinted polymers as biomolecular recognition components. It also introduced commonly used nanomaterials and microfluidics, highlighted the applications of biosensors based on different sensing principles in detecting aminoglycoside residues, including labeled electrochemical sensors, non-labeled electrochemical sensors, fluorescent aptamer sensors, liquid crystal aptamer sensors, piezoelectric crystal immunosensors, and cantilever aptamer sensors. This review aimed to provide reference for establishing a more ideal method to detect veterinary drug residues.

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CAI Pingyao , WANG Jia , TAO Xiaoqi . Development of biosensors to detect aminoglycoside residues in animal-derived foods[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(10) : 253 -259 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019073


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