As the storage container has great influences on the storage of liquor, Luzhou-flavor liquor was stored in glazed and unglazed pottery pots. The gas chromatography composition and physicochemical indicators between liquors stored in different storage containers, and the results of sensory evaluation were compared. The results showed that different storage containers had certain effects on trace components in the liquor, while the contents of aldehydes, alcohols, and esters showed similar change trends. However, the contents of aldehydes and esters in liquor stored in 3 kg unglazed pottery jars were lower than those stored in 0.5 kg and 2.5 kg glazed pottery jars. Moreover, the total acid content and electrical conductivity of liquor stored in 3 kg unglazed pottery jars were also lower, which resulted its mellow and coordinated taste. This study preliminarily revealed the influences of different pottery containers on the storage process of Luzhou-flavor liquor, which provides a theoretical basis for storing Luzhou-flavor liquor and improving its quality.
LUO Zheng
DAI Jinfeng
WEN Chunping
XU Yan
YAO Xiaoyi
DU Xianglin
LIAO Zuomin
ZHANG Wenxue
. Effects of different storage containers on Luzhou-flavor liquor properties[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(11)
: 118
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019822
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