Breed marine bacteria producing cold-active glucose oxidase and enzyme properties analysis

  • LIU Chunying ,
  • HU Shansong ,
  • ZHANG Qingfang ,
  • LI Meiyu ,
  • YU Shuang ,
  • CHI Naiyu
  • 1School of Life Science and Biotechnology, Dalian University, Dalian 116622, China
    2Liaoning Technology of Marine Microbiological Engineering Research Center, Dalian 116622, China

Received date: 2019-02-27

  Online published: 2019-07-28


This study aimed to obtain low-temperature glucose oxidase (GOD) producing bacteria, improve their enzyme-producing ability and study the properties of GOD. The low-temperature GOD producing strains were screened from sea sediments and identified. The strain with high yield of GOD was obtained by mutation breeding, and the properties of such GOD were studied. A strain 8-III with high yield of cold-active GOD was identified as Citrobacters sp. 8-III, and the activity of the GOD was 0.75 U/mL. Moreover, a mutant strain 8-III-a44 with high stability was obtained, the produced GOD activity was 1.77 U/mL, which was 2.36 times of that of strain 8-III. Furthermore, the optimal temperature and pH for the GOD produced by 8-III-a44 strain were 15 ℃ and 6.5, respectively. Besides, the enzyme was stable at 0-35 ?C, which indicated that it was a low-temperature enzyme. In addition, K+ and Ni2+ significantly promoted its activity. In conclusion, this study expands the source of GOD and lays a foundation for its applications in seafoods and feeds preservation.

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LIU Chunying , HU Shansong , ZHANG Qingfang , LI Meiyu , YU Shuang , CHI Naiyu . Breed marine bacteria producing cold-active glucose oxidase and enzyme properties analysis[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(13) : 52 -58 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020359


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