This study was conducted to reveal the relationship between Thermoactinomyces as well as their functional genes and the physicochemical properties of Daqu which could provide technical support for analyzing the specific functions and directional control of microorganisms and high temperature Daqu in Baijiu fermentation. The diversity and dynamic changes of Thermoactinomyces and their functional genes in high temperature Daqu used in sesame-flavored Baijiu were investigated using metagenomic sequencing technology. The results showed that the relative abundance of Thermoactinomyces was significantly positively correlated with Daqu temperature. As Daqu temperature rising, the potential heat resistance genes, such as Clp (K03695), groEL (K04077), and pstB (K02036) in Thermoactinomyces enriched into dominant genes and were significantly positively correlated with Daqu temperature, which could effectively promote Thermoactinomyces surviving at high temperature. Moreover, the fermentation time of Daqu was significantly positively correlated with CZAy annotated genes, saccharification and esterification power. Glycosylhydrolases and glycosyltransferases genes were also positively correlated with saccharification and esterification power of Daqu significantly. These indicated that the abundance of Thermoactinomyces increased during the fermentation of Daqu, and the genes related to carbohydrate degradation were gradually enriched, which promoted the saccharification and esterification power of Daqu.
YU Xuejian
FENG Huijun
BAI Xiubin
XU Ling
YU Panpan
. Dynamic changes of Thermoactinomyces and their functional genes in high temperature Daqu of Sesame-flavored Baijiu[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(13)
: 71
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019959
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