Effect of acetylated hydroxypropyl waxy corn starch on quality of quick-frozen rice dumplings

  • YANG Shixiong ,
  • ZHANG Lin ,
  • ZHANG Xuemei ,
  • LI Xue ,
  • LIANG Yexing ,
  • ZHANG Huanhuan ,
  • GAO Feihu
  • Agro-product Storage and Processing Institute, Chongqing Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Chongqing 401329, China

Received date: 2019-01-07

  Online published: 2019-07-28


In order to improve the quality of quick-frozen rice dumplings, the effects of acetylated hydroxypropyl waxy corn starch (AHWCS) on cooking, texture and sensory quality of quick-frozen rice dumplings were investigated. The results showed that when the mass fraction was 20% AHWCS, the weight loss of quick-frozen rice dumplings was 9.95%, the cooking loss rate was 0.93%, the freezing cracking rate was the lowest, and the light transmittance of soup was the highest at 7.43%; In texture characteristics, the hardness and chewiness were low, the texture was soft and the elasticity was the highest; In terms of sensory quality, rice dumplings had smooth surface and bright color, but also had soft taste and strong glutinous rice fragrance, the highest sensory score was 90.67. rice dumplings had the best quality. Therefore, adding appropriate proportion of AHWCS can effectively improve the quality of quick-frozen rice dumplings, which provides a basis for its application in quick-frozen food research.

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YANG Shixiong , ZHANG Lin , ZHANG Xuemei , LI Xue , LIANG Yexing , ZHANG Huanhuan , GAO Feihu . Effect of acetylated hydroxypropyl waxy corn starch on quality of quick-frozen rice dumplings[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(13) : 199 -205 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019873


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