Research progress on red wine astringency

  • YUAN Huanhuan ,
  • WANG Xiaoyu ,
  • CHEN Tongguo ,
  • LEI Xiaoqing ,
  • ZHAO Pengtao ,
  • TIAN Chengrui
  • College of Food Engineering and Nutritional Science, Shaanxi Normal University, Xi’ an 710062, China

Received date: 2018-12-18

  Online published: 2019-07-28


Astringency is a key factor that influences the sensory property and inner quality of red wine, therefore, this review aimed to provide reference for improving the quality of red wine. This review systematically analyzed the astringent components in red wine, the mechanism of producing astringent taste, factors that affect astringent intensity and quality, and also methods to analyze astringency. The astringent components in red wine include condensed tannins, hydrolysed tannins and organic acids. Astringency is a kind of oral tactile sensation involving drying, roughing, puckering, caused by the interactions between astringent components and oral cavity. Moreover, the intensity and quality of red wine astringency are mainly determined by the concentrations, degree of polymerization and structures of tannins, as well as grape varieties, regions and vinification. The evaluation methods of astringency include sensory evaluation and chemical analysis, which are often used in combination to obtain the best results. In conclusion, it is prerequisite to further explore the astringent taste of red wine to improve its quality, and selecting grape varieties and vinification properly is an effective way to improve the quality of red wine.

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YUAN Huanhuan , WANG Xiaoyu , CHEN Tongguo , LEI Xiaoqing , ZHAO Pengtao , TIAN Chengrui . Research progress on red wine astringency[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(13) : 269 -274 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019673


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