In order to improve the quality of dried white Hypsizygus marmoreus, white Hypsizygus marmoreus were dried by far-infrared drying. Single-factor experiments were used to investigate the effects of far-infrared temperature, slice thickness and loading amount on drying characteristics and dried quality of white Hypsizygus marmoreus, followed by optimizing the drying parameters. The results showed that at 50-70 ℃, with 2-6 mm slice thickness and 10-15 g/dm2 loading amount, the dried white Hypsizygus marmoreus had appropriate moisture content, moisture ratio and drying rate. Moreover, slice thickness had the biggest effects on the drying quality, followed by far-infrared temperature and loading amount. The optimized drying parameters were: dried at 60 ℃ with 4 mm slice thickness and 15.00 g/dm2 loading amount. Under this condition, the product had better quality, as its L* value was 37.81, vitamin C content was 14.52 mg/100g, rehydration ratio was 3.12 g/g, and sensory score was 91. In conclusion, this study provides a reference for industrial production of far-infrared drying dried white Hypsizygus marmoreus.
MAI Xinyun
HUANG Jiaoli
SU Shilin
PENG Shaoting
. Optimized far-infrared drying of white Hypsizygus marmoreus and effects on quality[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(14)
: 150
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.019782
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