Effects of thermal processing on honey quality

  • MA Tianchen ,
  • WANG Qian ,
  • CHENG Ni ,
  • CAO Wei
  • 1School of Food Science and Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
    2School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an 710069, China
    3Bee Product Research Center of Shaanxi Province, Xi’an 710065, China

Received date: 2019-02-14

  Online published: 2019-08-20


Honey is a natural food that is rich in nutrients and biological activities, such as antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as promoting digestion, improving immunity and against CVDs, which therefore can also be used as a medical food. In order to prolong the shelf life of honey, thermal processing is a common method applied before sales. However, over-heating will not only lead to the loss of nutrients and bioactive components, but may also produce harmful substances, which consequently will affect the nutritional value and safety of honey. In this paper, recent research progress on the effects of thermal processing on honey quality was systematically reviewed, in order to provide a basis for improving and exploring new ways for honey processing in China.

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MA Tianchen , WANG Qian , CHENG Ni , CAO Wei . Effects of thermal processing on honey quality[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(14) : 245 -249 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020195


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