Strategies for sodium reduction in meat products: A review

  • MA Xiaoli ,
  • HUANG Yaping ,
  • ZHANG Longtao ,
  • SU Qingxiong ,
  • MIAO Song ,
  • ZHENG Baodong ,
  • DENG Kaibo
  • 1College of Food Science, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Fuzhou 350002, China
    2China-Ireland International Research Centre of Food Material Science and Structure Design, Fuzhou 350002, China
    3Fujian Provincial Key Laboratory of Quality Science and Processing Technology in Special Starch, Fuzhou 350002, China
    4Teagasc Food Research Centre, Ministry of Agriculture, Co.Cork, Ireland
    5Putian Chengxiang Chengwei Food Co. Ltd, Putian 419600, China

Received date: 2019-01-21

  Online published: 2019-08-20


The problem of excessive sodium content in processed meat products is one of the important reasons for the increasing incidence of cardiovascular diseases, which is a serious threat to human health. In order to meet the requirement of healthy diet, China has attached great importance to implement the sodium reduction plan across meat industries. This paper systematically reviewed the mechanisms of sodium salt on the quality of meat products and the status quo of processing technology for low-sodium meat products. By reducing the amount of sodium salt added, adding sodium salt substitutes (e.g. KCl) or using new auxiliary processing technologies (e.g. high pressure and ultrasonic) can effectively reduce sodium salt content in meat products. It has been found that reducing 30% sodium salt (w/w) does not affect the sensory acceptance level, but it will shorten the shelf life of the product. Besides, using sodium salt substitutes can offer meats with good quality, but using excessive amount will result bad flavor, such as bitterness and metallic taste. At present, currently available methods and techniques cannot achieve complete replacement of NaCl, therefore, it is necessary to further study new salt reduction strategies.

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MA Xiaoli , HUANG Yaping , ZHANG Longtao , SU Qingxiong , MIAO Song , ZHENG Baodong , DENG Kaibo . Strategies for sodium reduction in meat products: A review[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(14) : 256 -262 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020033


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