Effects of ethanol fumigation on quality of sweet potato leaves during cold storage

  • XIAO Ting ,
  • CHEN Dongxiu ,
  • LUO Hong ,
  • KUANG Shiyao ,
  • ZHANG Min
  • 1College of Food Science, Southwest University, Chongqing 400715, China
    2National Demonstration Center for Experimental Food Science and Technology Education Southwest University,Chongqing 400715, China
    3Laboratory of Quality & Safety Risk Assessment for Argo-products on Storage and PreservationChongqing,Ministry of Agriculture, Chongqing 400715, China

Online published: 2019-09-03


To prolong the shelf life of sweet potato leaves during storage and transportation, sweet potato leaves were fumigated with 20 μL/L, 50 μL/L, and 100 μL/L ethanol for 3 h, ventilated for 1 h, packed in polyethylene bags and stored at 4 ℃. Quality changes of the leaves were evaluated regarding their active oxygen metabolism, cell membrane integrity and color etc. The results showed that 50 μL/L ethanol fumigation could effectively inhibit the respiration rate and delay the increase in rot rate. Besides, 50 μL/L ethanol fumigation had significant effects on delaying increases in conductivity, malondialdehyde content, and PPO and peroxidase activities, inducing activities of SOD and catalase as well as maintaining higher chlorophyll content and sensory score. On the 12th day of storage, the sensory score of the leaves was still 4.6 out of 5, and the rot rate was only 5.23%, which was significantly superior to the control and other treatment groups. In comparison, 20 μL/L ethanol fumigation had slightly inferior effects, and 100 μL/L group accelerated the decay and senescence of sweet potato leaves. Overall, this study provides a new and effective green preservation technology for storing and transporting sweet potato leaves.

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XIAO Ting , CHEN Dongxiu , LUO Hong , KUANG Shiyao , ZHANG Min . Effects of ethanol fumigation on quality of sweet potato leaves during cold storage[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(15) : 209 -217 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020391


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