This paper studies the juice-making quality of three main mandarin cultivars and evaluates their juice-making characteristics. The main physical and chemical indexes, nutritional components and aroma substances of three kinds of mandarin were determined, and the principal component analysis was used to compare and distinguish them. Nanfeng mandarin was characterized by high sugar and low acidity, while Ponkan was characterized by high acidity and low sugar. The optical properties L*, a* and b* of Satsuma orange were 2.54-6.06 higher than those of the other two varieties, and the color attributes of Satsuma orange were the best. The content of active ingredients in Satsuma orange and Nanfeng mandarin was higher than that in Ponkan, and the highest content of total phenols in Satsuma orange was 43.78 mg/100 mL. The content of Limonin in Ponkan was 0.59 mg/L, which was significantly higher than that of the other two varieties, showing harsh bitterness, while Nanfeng mandarin showed almost no bitterness. Ponkan had the best flavor quality with the total content of aroma substances reaching 673.74 μg/g, while Nanfeng mandarin had the least flavor quality in which the content of aroma substances was only 281.37 μg/g. The juice-making characteristics of Satsuma orange are the best, but other factors such as climate and soil conditions also have significant effects on the quality of citrus juice.
CHENG Chuanxiang
WANG Pengxu
JIA Meng
MA Yaqin
. Evaluation of juice-making quality of three main Chinese Mandarin(Citrus reticulate) varieties[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019
, 45(24)
: 173
DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021834
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