Changes in organic acids and in vitro antioxidant activity of lilium Jiaosu were investigated during fermentation. Reducing power and scavenging abilities on superoxide radical, hydroxyl radical, DPPH radical and ABTS radical of lilium Jiaosu were determined, as well as organic acids were analyzed using high performance liquid chromatography. During fermentation, superoxide radical scavenging ability and reducing power showed an increasing trend, hydroxyl radical and DPPH radical scavenging ability initially increased and then decreased, while ABTS radical scavenging ability irregularly fluctuated. Lactic acid and acetic acid were found to be the main organic acids, while oxalic acid, L-tartaric acid, L-malic acid, shikimic acid, citric acid and succinic acid the minor constituents. Most organic acids increased continuously to their maximum values from 60 to 80 d, then stabilized or slightly decreased, except for irregular changes of L-tartaric acid and citric acid. With inter-cluster distance of 15, 3 different stages were distinguished for the fermentation process, while 2 groups identified for species of organic acids by cluster analysis. With the exception of ABTS radical scavenging ability, other four indexes showed extremely significant positive correlation with the contents of lactic acid, acetic acid, oxalic acid and L-malic acid (P<0.01, the spatial correlation coefficients ranged from 0.711~0.945). The research revealed the changes in organic acids and in vitro antioxidant activities of lilium Jiaosu during fermentation, providing theoretical basis for the fermentation process control of lilium Jiaosu.
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