Study on reuse of oil extraction wastewater from Heterotrophic chlorella heating acidolysis

  • BI Shenglei ,
  • WANG Linfeng ,
  • ZHAO Mingxing ,
  • LIU Yue ,
  • QIAO Jianyuan ,
  • ZHENG Bin
  • 1 (State Key Laboratory of Motor Vehicle Biofuel Technology,Henan Tianguan Group Co. Ltd., Nanyang 473000,China)
    2 (School of Environment and Civil Engineering, Jiangnan University, Wuxi 214122,China)

Received date: 2019-05-30

  Online published: 2020-02-11


The purpose of this study is to examine feasibility of replacing tap water with wastewater from the pyrolysis oil extraction as batching water. Using single factor analysis method and cell dry weight as the main index, the effects of applying different ratios of pyrolysis oil extraction wastewater in the media on the heterotrophic chlorella′s growth rate, and media′s pH and glucose content changes were investigated. The results showed that when reuse ratio of pyrolysis oil extraction wastewater was 10%, the growth rate remained the same as that of the control group (5 days), and the dry mass of algae reached 11.83 g/L, which was 108.73% of the control group. The pH change was consistent with the control group, which indicated that the reuse of extraction wastewater did not affect the main components of the medium, but had positive influence on the algae growth. The higher reuse ratio of the extraction wastewater, the greater positive effect on the glucose absorption and utilization rate. In conclusion, reuse of thermal acid wastewater may improve the fermentation efficiency, but when the reuse ratio was too big, a large number of salts and residual extractants would reduce the fermentation efficiency.

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BI Shenglei , WANG Linfeng , ZHAO Mingxing , LIU Yue , QIAO Jianyuan , ZHENG Bin . Study on reuse of oil extraction wastewater from Heterotrophic chlorella heating acidolysis[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(23) : 222 -226 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021232


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