Preparation and optimization of antioxidant peptides fromHaliotis discus hanai gastropoda

  • YAN Lin ,
  • JIANG Shuangshuang ,
  • YAN Xin ,
  • YAO Yanyan ,
  • CHANG Lirong ,
  • LI Changqing
  • 1 (National Marine Mussel Engineering Research Institute, Rongcheng 264300, China)
    2 (Weihai Changqing Ocean Science Thechnology C0. Ltd, Rongcheng 264300, China)

Received date: 2019-03-15

  Online published: 2019-10-24


In order to make full use of Haliotis discus hanai gastropoda protein resources and promote their industrialization and intensive processing, the peptide yield, hydrolysis degree, reducing power and DPPH· clearance were investigated during protease enzymatic hydrolysis, and then the optimal protease was selected. On the basis of single factor experiment, response surface analysis was applied to optimize the three major influencing factors, including pH, enzymatic hydrolysis temperature and enzymatic hydrolysis time, to determine the preparation process of the anti-oxidant peptide of the gastropod of Haliotis discus hanai. The results showed that the optimal conditions for the preparation of antioxidant peptidase hydrolysate by neutral protease hydrolysis Haliotis discus hanai gastropoda were as follows: pH 7.10, enzymolysis at 50.25 ℃ for 4.65 h. Under this condition, the DPPH· clearance rate reached to 96.12%, and the relative error was 0.12% compared with the predicted theoretical value, the average polypeptide content was up to 80.56%, indicating that this technology was suitable for the preparation of antioxidant peptides from Haliotis discus hanai gastropoda.

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YAN Lin , JIANG Shuangshuang , YAN Xin , YAO Yanyan , CHANG Lirong , LI Changqing . Preparation and optimization of antioxidant peptides fromHaliotis discus hanai gastropoda[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(17) : 123 -128 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.020551


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