Production and scientific research application

Effects of different drying methods on protein gel properties and structure of egg white powder

  • DAI Xiaoning ,
  • LIU Lili ,
  • CHEN Ke ,
  • LI Yuanyuan ,
  • HAO Weiming ,
  • YANG Xiaopan
  • 1(College of Food and Bioengineering, Henan University of Science and Technology,Luoyang 471023, China)
    2(National Experimental Teaching Demonstration Center for Food Processing and Security,(Henan University of Science and Technology),Luoyang 471023, China)

Revised date: 2019-06-13

  Online published: 2019-11-15


To investigate the changes and correlations between the gel properties and structure of egg white protein in different drying methods. Egg white was dried by hot air drying (HD), spray drying (SD) and freeze drying (FD) to determine the gel properties and structure of the products. The gel hardness of SD and HD egg white powder was 49.47% and 23.87% higher than that of FD. The water loss rate of SD protein gel was 20.3% lower than that of FD (P<0.05). The analysis of L* was FD>HD>SD. In addition, the surface sulfhydryl content of SD and HD egg white powder was significantly higher than that of FD, and the denaturation temperature of SD egg white powder was slightly higher than that of HD and LD. The fluorescence peak intensity of 340 nm was FD>SD>HD. SD egg white powder protein amide I has the smallest ratio of α-helix, indicating a greater influence on the secondary structure of egg powder, and SD gel matrix has the highest density. In conclusion, SD promotes a certain degree of aggregation of egg white protein, which can better improve its gel properties and provide a basis for deep processing of egg white powder.

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DAI Xiaoning , LIU Lili , CHEN Ke , LI Yuanyuan , HAO Weiming , YANG Xiaopan . Effects of different drying methods on protein gel properties and structure of egg white powder[J]. Food and Fermentation Industries, 2019 , 45(19) : 112 -118 . DOI: 10.13995/j.cnki.11-1802/ts.021099


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