The effects of hot air drying (HAD), vacuum drying (VD), vacuum freeze drying (VFD) and microwave drying (MD) on the basic composition, drying curve, color and processing characteristics of artichoke powder were studied, which could provide theoretical basis for the development and utilization of artichoke powder. The results showed that HAD had the highest total sugar content, while VFD had the highest crude fiber (15.18 g/100 g), protein content (23.05 g/100 g) and the best color protection effect. Besides, MD had the highest crude fat content (0.76 g/100 g) and the shortest drying time, with the largest bulk density, the best water and oil retention. The solubility of VD was the highest, and the rehydration rate from strong to weak was VD>HAD>MD>VFD. The particle sizes of MD and VFD were both small and uniformly distributed. Generally speaking, both MD and VFD have good protective effects on artichoke powder quality, which can be applied to the development and utilization of artichoke powder. Considering efficiency and cost, the combination of MD and VFD can be studied in depth.
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