The purpose of this study was to screen for lactic acid bacteria (LAB) that are suitable for meat products fermentation. The Yunnan naturally fermented ham was used as the raw material, LAB were screened based on their safety for consumption, acid production, adaptability, and influence on product quality. A total of nine strains with good acid production capacity, high salt tolerance (6% NaCl and 150 mg/kg NaNO2), no H2S, ammonia, gas, nor H2O2 production, and no proteolytic capacity during fermentation were found. The strain, H8, which had the highest NaCl and NaNO2 tolerance, was identified as Pediococcus pentosaceus according to its physiological, biochemical and molecular biological characteristics. In conclusion, the selected P. pentosaceus has good fermentation characteristics and can be further developed into a meat product starter.
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